
   Angielski Rosyjski
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RC rzecz.akcenty
elektron. ДУ; телеуправление
Rc rzecz.
kolej. твёрдость по Роквеллу (шкала С)
RCS rzecz.
energ. низкопотенциальная часть (MichaelBurov)
RC skr.
bizn. Красный Крест (Red Cross); Resettlement Committee – комитет по переселению (Valita)
bud. железобетон (reinforced concrete iSkeeve)
elektron. дистанционное управление; пульт дистанционного управления; обозначение для всенаправленных радиомаяков (принятое МСЭ)
Gruzovik, technol. компилятор ресурса (resource compiler)
kolej. рельсовый контакт (rail contact solegate)
oprogr. кандидат на окончательную версию (сокр. от "release candidate" Alex_Odeychuk)
organ. Координатор-резидент (Resident Coordinator Lidka16)
radio Russian C, диапазон С-Россия (Челядник Евгений)
ropa / r. дистанционное управление (remote control); обратная промывка (reverse circulation); спуск обсадной колонны (running casing)
sieć. надёжная доставка (сокр. от "reliable connected"; необходима инициализация соединения между получателем и отправителем Alex_Odeychuk)
techn. терминал охлаждения (при подключении термостата Kirill2); оператор привода истребителей-перехватчиков на аэродром
techn., skr. обозначение всенаправленных радиомаяков
technol. значение возврата
telekom. регулярное начисление (Georgy Moiseenko)
wydob. обратная циркуляция (MichaelBurov)
 Angielski tezaurus
Rc skr.
skr. relay computer
skr., hutn. cold rolled
skr., ropa / r. rate of cure
RC skr.
chem. rotary cooler
meteorol. rate of climb; rotorcraft
olej. radiant coil
przem. reactivity control; reactor campaign; reactor cooling; reactor core; receipt control; ripple control; root causes
ropa / r., skr. Rockwell hardness C-scale
skr. Racing Car; Racing Club; Radius of Curvature; Radius of Curvature of river or stream; Raiding Cavalry; Rate Change; Rating And Certification; Raw Command; RCA Corporation; Reaction Center; reactor compartment; Read And Cover; Routing Control; radio configuration; resonant converter; nondirectional radio beacon; radio compass; radio component; Raytheon Co.; remote computing; Research Corp.; resistor-capacitor; resistance-capacitance coupling; Reading Comprehension; Real Cool; Reality Check; Really Complicated; Really Crap; Really Crappy; rear connection; rear-connected; Receiver Signal Element Timing (EIA-232-E); Reception Centre (Vosoni); Reconfigurable Computer / Computing (RL); reconnaissance; recovery coefficient (ННатальЯ); Recursive Control; Red Cross; Reduced Configuration; Reduced Cost; Reference Collection; Reformed Church; Region Co-ordinator (FidoNet); Region Commissioner; Reinforced Concrete; Relative Coordinates; Relativistic Correction; Release Candidate (MS); Remote Controlled; Rendering Context; Required Capability; Requirements Contract; Research Command; Reserve Capacity; Reserve Corps; Resistance And Capacitance; Resistive Capacitive; Resistor Capacitor; Resistor-Capacitor circuit (as in filters); Resource Compiler; Resource Configuration; Retained Customers; Return Code; Revenue Cutter; Revolutionary Control; Right Check; Ring Count; Riot Chick; Riverine Craft; Rivest Cipher; Robot Control; Roger Curry; Roman Catholic; Ron's Cipher; Rookie Collection; Royal College; Royal Crown; Rubber Cement; Rubber Chicken; Rudy's Cellular; Rugby Club; Run And Compile; Run Command; Run Commands; Run Control; Running Club; Runs Created; Runtime Commands; Russ Collins; Sigs Royal Canadian Signals; Regional Center; regional court (igisheva); product of resistance-times-capacitance; reactance coupled; read and compute; retry control
skr., bizn. reconsigned; reimbursement credit; Research Centre; returns clause; return commission; rework cost
skr., bryt.ang. reconnaissance car; regional commandant
skr., chem. relative contribution (Igor Kondrashkin)
skr., ekon. rent charge; reply coupon
skr., elektron. radio compass; radio check; radio communications; radio components; read channel; reader code; real circuit; receiver-base code; receiving center; reception control; record changer; record count; redundant character; reference clock; reflection coefficient; regeneration circuit; regenerative coupling; register containing; relay chat; relay control; release complete; release connection; repairability code; repair cycle; research center; residual conductivity; resource controller; restore cursor; retransmission counter; return channel; return to complement; ring clock; ring concentrator; rocking curve; route control; ray-control (electrode)
skr., europ. reimbursement commitment (raf)
skr., finans. Review Committee
skr., fizj. Rebound and Compression; Respiratory Congestion
skr., foto. Resin Coated
skr., gastr. right colon (Баян)
skr., hand. Rand Corporation
skr., inżyn. reverse current; ring counter
skr., komun. Remote Control device; access computer or local or regional computer
skr., logist. Rail Car (железнодорожный вагон Yuriy83)
skr., lotn. ratio changer; recommitment of changes; recurring cost; reference chord; Rockwell Collins; radar computer; radar contact; radar controller; rate of climb indicator; rating code; reactance coupling; receiver control; record card; registration certificate; regular checking; release card; release code; repetitive chime; replacement category; replacement code; reporting card; resistance capacitance; right center; roll computer; rotating center; rotating combustion; roughing cut; runway capacity; runway configuration
skr., med. Red Cell; Red Cell Casts; Regenerated Cellulose; Renshaw Cell; Root Canal; respiration ceases
skr., mot. Road Conditions (translator911); refrigerated compartment
skr., nauka o z. real coast; record changer; reluctance; rhodochrosite; risk cost
skr., nazw. Rand Corp.
skr., opt. reaction chamber; resistance; capacitance
skr., polim. rapid-curing; reaction constant; rubber-covered
skr., praw. Revised Code (Ohio Tiny Tony)
skr., progr. release candidate (Errandir); resource class (ssn)
skr., przestrz. reference configuration; resista nce-capacitance; rotation control
skr., radio reaction reactance coupling; reaction coupled
skr., radz. regional committee (igisheva)
skr., ropa / r. running casing; reverse circulation (andrushin); cost of repair; rapid curing (cement); rapid-curing cutback asphalt; raw caliper; reactive coupling (couple); recirculatory; recommended capacity; record check; redundant cutters; reference cavity; reference check; regular channel; relative capacity; relative concentration; reservoir characterization; residual carbon; resin cation; resistance capacitive; response conditional; retention constant; return cargo; revolving credit; rig cost; ripple cross lamination; risked cost; roller cone; room condition; rotary connection; rotary converter; rubber-cushioned; running costs
skr., rozsz. Emacs Configuration Record; Racing Champions; Resource file (OS/2, WIN Vosoni); Resource script (MS C/C++ - Borland C++ - Resource WorkShop); Windows resource compiler script (Vosoni)
skr., sach. Russian Content; reciprocating compressor
skr., sieć. remote control
skr., sport regional championship; Regional Championship
skr., szkoc.ang. Regional Commissioner; Rounds Counter
skr., techn. ring circuit
skr., technol. RIMM Connector (LyuFi); resistance-capacitance; Requirement of Confirmability
skr., telekom. regional centre; ringing circuit
skr., tworz. radiation curing
skr., ubezp. Non-directional radiobeacon
skr., wiośl. rating certificate
skr., wojsk. Regional Conflict; Required Capabilities; regional command; receive clock; regional coordinator; Reserve Component; resident coordinator (UN); river current
skr., wojsk., lotn. radius-to-chord
skr., wydob. reverse circulation (MichaelBurov)
skr., włók. release clause
skr., zaut. radix complement; robot controller
techn. radio command; radio components; rate count; ray-control electrode; reaction coupling; reaction-coupled; reactor cavity; reactor coolant; read code; received common; recording controller; relay center; remote concentrator; request for check; resistance to current; resistance-coupled; resistive-capacitive; return on carry; rigid confinement
telew. reading clock
wojsk. radar camouflage; radar control; radar coverage; radio code; radio control; radio-controlled; range command; range contractor; range control; range correction; reaction control; readiness count; reception center; record change; records check; recoverability code; recovery controller; recruiting center; reduced charge; regional center; rehabilitation center; rehabilitation counselor; reserve component; responsibility center; rifle caliber; road reconnaissance
Rc skr.
polim. Rockwell hardness C
skr. cold-rolled; corrected resistivity
skr., wojsk., lotn. Rockwell hardness, C
zaut. Rockwell hardness
rc skr.
hutn. reduction by carbon
skr. rate of change; rifle calibre; red cell
skr., med. recovery
skr., tworz. referring to
skr., wierc. rubber covered
.rc skr.
rozsz. Resource (file name extension)
RC. skr.
skr., mater. reinforced concrete
RC shaping
: 6 do fraz, 2 tematyki
Fizyka jądrowa1
Promieniowanie radioaktywne5