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LFA skr.akcenty
EU Менее предпочитаемая зона (Less Favoured Area mazurov)
organ. местный агент Фонда (local fund agent Tanny77); ЛСП (Логико-структурный подход, Logical Framework Approach Sloneno4eg)
wojsk. активная низкочастотная антенна (сокр. от "low frequency array" Alex_Odeychuk)
zaut. сигнализатор потока жидкости (ssn)
 Angielski tezaurus
LFA skr.
skr. Last Few Artists; Less Favored Area; Less Favoured Area; Live From Albertane; Local Federation Application; Loincloths For America; Lupus Foundation of America; Lymphoma Foundation of America; Link Field Address (Forth); leucocyte function-associated antigen; lymphocyte function -associated antigen
skr., biol. left fronto-anterior,胎位
skr., eduk., nauk. Latin For Americans
skr., ekon. logical framework approach
skr., elektron. low frequency amplifier (ssn); logic function analyzer; low frequency activity; low frequency analyzer
skr., elektron., nauk. Low Frequency Attenuation
skr., fizj., med. Left ForeArm; Lymphocyte Function Associated
skr., inżyn. load flow analysis
skr., lotn. landing fuel allowance; latching fault annunciation; loss of frame alignment; low flying area; low frequency area
skr., med. Left Femoral Artery; Left Fronto-anterior (fetal Position); Lupus Foundation Of America; learned food aversion (Игорь_2006); left forearm; left frontoanterior (fetal position); leukocyte functional antigen
skr., progr., technol. Logical Framework Analysis
skr., ropa / r. local freight agent; low flow actuator; low-frequency amplifier; lower molecular weight fatty acid
skr., szkoc.ang. Low Frequency Active sensor; Low-Flying Area
skr., technol. Last File Accessed; Logical Framework Approach
skr., wojsk. Low Frequency Active; Local Feature Analysis (Biometrics facial recognition technology); lead federal agency
skr., zaut. liquid flow alarm (ssn)
skr., znak. Local Franchise Authority
techn. lead Federal agency
wojsk. land force, airmobility; landing force aviation; light field ambulance; light field artillery
: 3 do fraz, 2 tematyki