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шутить czas.akcenty
Gruzovik joke (impf of пошутить); fool around with (impf of пошутить)
posp. joke; jest (he wasn't jesting when he said he was going to get married next month – он не шутил, когда говорил, что собирается жениться в следующем месяце); make fun; droll; jape; lark; rally (над кем-либо); sport; trifle with; badinage; chaff; coquet (с чем-либо); play (with с + instr., with); fool; poke fun at; speak in jest; chi hike; chi ike; laverock; quiz; be kidding (CNN Alex_Odeychuk); fool around (with); flirt (с опасностью и т.п.); game; palter; say jokingly (I used to say jokingly that I knew the upper circle of every theatre in London. Alexander Demidov); have some sport (teterevaann); yak; trifle (with instr., with); banter; coltish; dally; frolic; bourd (to say things in jest or mockery; to jest, to joke, to make fun, to make game, to play (Oxford English Dictionary) Dencha); kid around (natasha5555); kid; play the rogue; ride skimmington; wanton; make fun of (with над)
Игорь Миг wisecrack
austral. chi-hike (над кем-либо)
austral., nowa z. chi-ike (над кем-либо)
austral., slang monkey about with
bizn. joke about (smb, smth); joke with (smb, smth)
irl. have a bit of craic on (13.05)
kontekst mess with (с кем-либо; в знач. "злить, испытывать терпение": Giant men, bodybuilders, criminals and people you don't want to mess with. 4uzhoj)
makar. be funning; crack a joke; crack jokes; cut jokes; fool about; fool around; jest at (над кем-либо); lark about; make a joke; make jokes; play with; sport with; jest with; lark around
nief. gag; chaffer; clown around (Andrey Truhachev); put on (Jam); mess around (joke around bolton926)
prod. make joke (Yeldar Azanbayev)
rzad. fun
slang cut up; horse; josh; shuck; yock; keed (ZarinD); toss off
шутя czas.
posp. jokingly; jestingly (I had spoken jestingly, but somehow we didn't laugh.); scherzando; in joke; easily (Anglophile); with a wet finger (Anglophile); for fun (Andrey Truhachev)
шучу czas.
młodz. sike! (Taras); psych! (I bought a new BMW. Psych! – Я купил новый БМВ. Шучу! Taras)
nief. just saying (Technical); syke (Taras); sych (Taras)
шутишь! czas.
posp. you are joking; you have got to be joking; walker
шутишь?! czas.
nief. no way (sergeidorogan)
шучу! czas.
posp. I jest (Anglophile)
with шутить czas.
nief. sport
Шутишь? czas.
nief. are you kidding me? (dimock)
 Rosyjski tezaurus
шутя czas.
posp. деепр. от шутить
: 210 do fraz, 18 tematyki
Amerykański używanie9
Język irlandzki2
Technika i technologia1