
   Rosyjski Angielski
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posp. with success; swimmingly; waltz; favourably
austral. slang with a bang
górn. to advantage
makar. best advantage; to the best advantage
mat. with advantage; with profit
| расти
przen. grow
| за
posp. for
- znaleziono osobne słowa

przymiotnik | przysłówek | do fraz
успешно przysł.akcenty
posp. in clover
успешный przym.
posp. successful; prosperous; smash; useful; effective; auspicious (напр, the political career of Andrei Brezhnev, grandson of the late Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, could hardly be called auspicious thus far Olga Okuneva); high-flyer (человек, деятель q3mi4); ongoing (SunnyKr); efficacious; winning (MichaelBurov); fortunate; boffo; producing a desired effect; on top of the world (Ремедиос_П); high-achieving (о человеке Ремедиос_П); fair; succeeding; well off
Игорь Миг impactful
amer. sold out (к мероприятию на которое все билеты проданы myhas)
ekon. viable
Gruzovik, daw. lucky; fortunate
mat. advantageous
mor. opportunistic (opportunistic rescue shk1pp)
slang going; large; on the ball
wierc. lively (Yeldar Azanbayev)
włók. effectual
успешнее przym.
posp. ahead of (someone – кого-либо) Messi is the best, he thinks quickly and is ahead of everyone else. – Месси лучший, он быстро думает и он успешнее всех остальных. TarasZ)
что-либо успешное przym.
posp. success (The song became a success immediately. – Песня сразу стала успешной. TarasZ)
успешно przysł.
Gruzovik well
posp. with success; swimmingly; waltz; favourably; with a swing (to go with a swing Artjaazz); effectively (Vadim Rouminsky); meritoriously (aspss); efficiently (Dryuchina); happily; effectually (q3mi4); prosperously (kee46); forward; forwards; kindly; successfully; to great effect (diyaroschuk)
Игорь Миг productively
austral., slang with a bang
daw. forthward; thrivingly
dial., amer. proudly
górn. to advantage
makar. best advantage; to the best advantage
mat. with advantage; with profit; advantageously
nief. big
slang in the black
techn. conveniently (The over-tipping band in accordance with the present invention can be conveniently incorporated into any existing filter arrangement. Мирослав9999)
успешно расти за
: 1 do fraz, 1 tematyki