
   Rosyjski Angielski
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совсем не
 совсем не
posp. anything but; not nearly; not a speck; not by a long chalk; not really
amer. not a bit
makar. by no manner of means; by no means; at all; by a hair's breadth
| нужно
posp. must
| так
таким образом
| орать
makar. nief. bawl out
| выкрикивая
posp. cry
| мо
techn. siemens
| имя
technol. UNC name
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do fraz
совсем неakcenty
posp. anything but; not nearly; not a speck; not by a long chalk (Anglophile); not really (Dianka); a long way off; at all (в самой меньшей степени); much less; not exactly (She’s not exactly the world’s greatest singer. Val_Ships); do nothing to (My husband lost his job 10 years ago and is depressed, but does nothing to help around the house. | Chris Cairns verdict does nothing to allay fears game is open to corruption. Alexander Demidov); by no manner of means; by no means (он совсем не горд – he is by no means proud Andrew Goff); not in the least (Andrew Goff); none (I slept none that night – в ту ночь я совсем не спал); never; little (с глаголами know, dream, think); far from (bloomberg.com Linguaer); naught; none of; nought; set at naught; not a bit
Игорь Миг nowhere near
amer. not a bit (I'm not a bit tired. Val_Ships)
makar. by no manner of means; by no means; at all (в отрицательном предложении); by a hair's breadth; by no; any longer
mat. not at all; whatever; whatsoever
совсем не нужно так орать , выкрикивая
: 1 do fraz, 1 tematyki