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разоблачиться czas.akcenty
posp. disrobe; divest oneself of garment; get naked (раздеться Andrey Truhachev); strip (раздеться; naked Andrey Truhachev); strip naked (раздеться Andrey Truhachev); get undressed (раздеться Andrey Truhachev); expose oneself (раздеться Andrey Truhachev); flash (раздеться; sl. Andrey Truhachev); strip down (раздеться Andrey Truhachev); take off one's clothes (раздеться Andrey Truhachev); undress (раздеться Andrey Truhachev)
Gruzovik, przen. come to light (pf of разоблачаться); be exposed (pf of разоблачаться); be unmasked (pf of разоблачаться)
Gruzovik, relig. disrobe oneself (pf of разоблачаться); undress oneself (pf of разоблачаться)
kośc., żart. divest; undress oneself; undress
przen. come to light; debunk; denounce; disclose; expose; unmask; be exposed; be unmasked; reveal
разоблачить czas.
posp. denounce (Anglophile); expose; lay bare; disclose; disrobe; find out (to find somebody out – разоблачить кого-либо); show up; smoke out; unshroud; take the varnish off; nail to the counter (ложь и т. п.); unmask (kriemhild); debunk (Anglophile); unravel something (bigmaxus); reveal; out (yes, it's a verb – "Once more, a staunch 'conservative' outed as a liberal..." Liv Bliss); deduce (RudsNR); find someone out (кого-либо; If you find someone out, you discover that they have been doing something dishonest. [V ] Her face was so grave, I wondered for a moment if she'd found me out. VLZ_58); blow wide open (что-л. Ремедиос_П); expose as fraudulent (Sibrel expressed his deep skepticism and conviction that the Apollo moon landings were staged. He argued that the anger and resistance people display when confronted with this idea stems from a reverence for science and the Apollo missions being treated as a sort of "god" figure. Sibrel suggested that exposing the moon landings as fraudulent would shatter this trust in government and scientific institutions. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, relig. divest (pf of разоблачать); undress (pf of разоблачать)
idiom. call bluff (Баян)
kośc., żart. divest; undress
makar. find out (кого-либо); nail to the counter (ложь, клевету)
przen. denounce
slang rank (кого-то); blow someone's cover (кого-либо Interex)
służb. roll up (george serebryakov)
żarg. blow one's cover (The officer didn't report the assault because he didn't want his cover blown. ART Vancouver)
разоблачённый ims. przym.
posp. with the mask off; discovered; debunked (Taras)
makar. bare; exposed
smth. разоблачить czas.
amer., nief. blow the lid off
разоблачиться: 75 do fraz, 12 tematyki
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