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притворяться czas.akcenty
Gruzovik be left a little ajar (impf of притвориться); pretend to be; shut (impf of притвориться); be ajar (impf of притвориться); close (impf of притвориться)
posp. feign; make believe; assume; dissemble; masquerade; sham (чем-л.); simulate; counterfeit; dissimulate; profess; play-act; act a part; assume a mask; make a pretence; make a pretense; play a part; put on a mask; wear a mask; pass the bottle of smoke; put assume a mask; act out; fake; mock; sail under false colours (Anglophile); make out (Ramzai); play act; gammon; make a feint of; make as though; set up; leave a little ajar; fig; mimic; play; posturize; play pretend (ZakharovStepan); affect; put wear a mask; put on; be ajar; shut; keep up the facade (VLZ_58); belie; boggle; mask; mump; personate; pretend (with instr., to be); seem; be closed; be shut; keep up the pretence (The two-year work ban imposed on Rökk at the end of the second world war as punishment for the close relationship she had with the inner circle of the Nazi leadership may have helped her keep up the pretence. (theguardian.com) ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг play a double game (конт.)
amer., nief. put on a show
daw. belye; countenance
hodowl. pretend to be (dimock)
idiom. bury head in the sand (To (try to) avoid a particular situation by pretending that it doesn’t exist. Stop burying your head in the sand. You haven’t been happy with him for years, why are you staying together? VLZ_58)
kontekst charade (an almost transparent pretense: I suggest you give up this little charade of yours. – Перестань притворяться. 'More)
krzyw. act
makar. play the fox; fig out; masquerade as; play-act (обыкн. о детях); play at; play the hypocrite; motion + inf
makar., krzyw. act as
nief. let on; put on an act; make as if (alia20); play the ... of oneself (кем-то); pose oneself as, put on the airs of a ... (кем-то); set oneself as (кем-то MichaelBurov); set oneself up as (кем-то MichaelBurov); pass oneself off as (кем-то MichaelBurov); pretend to be (кем-то MichaelBurov); put it on
rekl. show a false face
slang boogerboo; fish; make like; bluffing (Ksysenka); tripping (Ksysenka); milk it (VLZ_58); pass; put on (It's not hurt! He is putting on! == Ему не больно! Он прикидывается!; "Put on a smile!" == "Улыбайся!" - говорит сквозь зубы Ле Пешен хмурому Холдуину, когда они заходят в кабинет босса.)
szkoc.ang. make fashion
притворять czas.
Gruzovik shut (impf of притворить); set ajar (impf of притворить); leave a little ajar (impf of притворить); close
posp. close; leave ajar; leave a little ajar; set ajar; shut
: 155 do fraz, 19 tematyki
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