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Gruzovik be beating down of the sun (impf of припечь); be very hot of the sun (impf of припечь)
posp. be hot; strike down (о солнце); be beating down; be very hot (of the sun); bake; burn; parch; beat down
daw. press curling paper with curling irons
Gruzovik, daw. press curling paper with curling irons (impf of припечь)
Gruzovik, nief. burn while cooking or baking (impf of припечь)
Gruzovik, przen. sear while torturing (impf of припечь); burn while torturing (impf of припечь); hurt the feelings of (impf of припечь); wound (impf of припечь)
nief. burn (while cooking or baking)
przen., nief. burn (while torturing); hurt (the feelings of); offend; sear; wound
припекаться czas.
posp. be beating down; be very hot (of the sun)
daw. press curling paper with curling irons
nief. burn (while cooking or baking)
przen., nief. burn (while torturing); hurt (the feelings of); offend; sear; wound
припекать: 2 do fraz, 2 tematyki