
   Rosyjski Angielski
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posp. tweak
posp. damage; get out of order; hurt; impair; injure; fail
idiom. go south
| половые органы
 половой орган
biol. organ of generation
| малолетней
posp. underage
| при
posp. in view of
| покушении на
 покушение на
posp. attempted assassination of
| е
 Centrе of Main Interests
finans. COMI
| растление
daw. defilement
- znaleziono osobne słowa

czasownik | czasownik | do fraz
повредить czas.akcenty
Gruzovik harm
posp. tweak (He tweaked his ankle playing soccer. VLZ_58); spoil (чему-л.); harm; be injurious to; hurt (кожу); blemish; blast; bruise (растения, фрукты); flaw; mar; nip; stab (чьей репутации); make mischief; do a bad turn (кому-либо); lay open (щёку и т. п.); do an ill turn (кому-либо); attack; hurry; sabotage; dent (Ремедиос_П); injure (кому-либо); impair; affect; play the mischief with; mess up (Taras); severe (Taras); tamper with (с целью причинить зло, вызвать аварию и т.п.: He revealed that Amy had been a victim of group stalking and unusual occurrences for several years prior to their friendship. "Initially it started with overt and covert surveillance and harassment," he explained, noting instances where her vehicle was tampered with. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
austral., slang bugger up
geol. tweak (James Reimer had been expected to start for Toronto after excelling Wednesday in Detroit but he tweaked his groin in practice.; He tweaked his ankle playing soccer. VLZ_58)
Gruzovik, technol. corrupt
idiom. come wrong (Bobrovska)
komp. crash
lit. wither (GeorgeK)
makar. lay open (щеку и т.п.); damage a house; do an ill service (кому-либо); do someone a bad turn (кому-либо); do someone an ill turn (кому-либо); bash up (что-либо); damage something (что-либо); throw out (часть тела)
med. maim; sever (The ureter is in danger of being severed by mistake during a surgery. Имеется некоторая вероятность пересечения мочеточника по ошибке во время операции. Pablo10); disorder (MichaelBurov)
nief. damage; bang up (например: ногу chronik); crab; injure; do a number on (I really did a number on my ankle when I fell. fddhhdot)
olej. cause damage (повредить пласт — cause damage to the reservoir Alex_Odeychuk)
patent. prejudice; encroach
praw. commit waste
techn. deface
wojsk. cripple; disable; administer damage
повредиться czas.
Gruzovik fail (pf of повреждаться); get out of order (pf of повреждаться)
posp. damage; get out of order; hurt; impair; injure; severe (Taras); get damaged (maystay)
idiom. go south (VLZ_58)
makar. be damaged; be injured
повреждено ims. przym.
mor. broken (отметка в грузовых документах о состоянии груза и тары вк)
повредившийся ims. przym.
kolej. lost
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