
   Rosyjski Angielski
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posp. remain; stay; continue; keep; rest; stick
| каждый
posp. every
| при
posp. in view of
| свом
posp. own
| мнении
amer. slant
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czasownik | czasownik | do fraz
остаться czas.akcenty
оставаться; остаться на ночь (у кого-либо в гостях: Mum! Can I invite my friends for a sleepover tonight? – Можно мои друзья у нас сегодня останутся?)
posp. remain; stay; continue; keep; rest; stick; be left; remain behind; stop with (с кем-либо); be in pocket (о деньгах); stick upon memory; stay put (на месте, никуда не уходить/не ехать: Then she was gesturing to me from the parking lot. Miming urgency. Miming that she had to get back. Miming that I should stay put. • We've decided to stay put and not to move to Florida. • Because of these costs, most homeowners would choose to stay put rather than move. 4uzhoj); tarry (В.И.Макаров); be in pocket (о деньгах); stay behind (My parents took an assignment to Vietnam in my second year of college. They'd left and I stayed behind. – ..., а я остался. Александр Б.); have; stay (Я хотел бы остаться с тобой, просто остаться с тобой. — I'd like to stay with you, just stay with you. (U.S. English) • Я хотел бы остаться с тобой, просто остаться с тобой. — I'd rather stay with you, simply stay with you. (U.K. English) Alex_Odeychuk)
afryk. be right here (with ... – с ...: I wanna be right here with you, just be with you. — Я хотел бы остаться с тобой, просто остаться с тобой. Alex_Odeychuk)
makar. linger on
mat. leave over
nief. kick around (на некоторое время; Two friends and I decided to kick around the beach for a few days. Val_Ships); stay on (на прежнем месте: Some of her friends decided it was time to go home, but she wanted to stay on until sunrise. • After graduation, she stayed on in Cambridge as a student adviser. • She thought about retiring, but she finally decided to stay on for a few more years. • After the trial period, she was asked to stay on and work full-time. Val_Ships)
осталось czas.
осталось только
posp. still have + object to (+ infinitive; example provided by ART Vancouver: My son still has three years of high school to finish.)
nief. to go (One gansgster down, four to go. – ...осталось четыре. • One more to go! – Остался последний! ART Vancouver)
остав czas.
elektron. skeleton
останемся каждый при
: 5 do fraz, 3 tematyki