
   Rosyjski Angielski
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posp. intermingle; intercommunicate; commune; consort; converse; mix
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wojsk. combat network
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Gruzovik associate with
posp. intermingle; intercommunicate; commune; consort (with); converse (с кем-либо); mix; socialize (with); intercommune; assort; groove; sort; talk; troop; mix with (с кем-либо); socialise (We work together but we don't socialise. Viksi-tasty); foregather; forgather; confabulate (bigmaxus); interact with (с кем-либо LeoBlume); be engaged with (4uzhoj); keep company with someone (с кем-либо Andrey Truhachev); chat; companion; contact; mate; run (с кем-либо); interact (opportunity for your child to interact one-on-one with other children ART Vancouver); have a conversation (CNN Alex_Odeychuk); liaison; mix socially with (с кем-либо Bullfinch); be social (The ties between the Obama White House and the hip-hop community are genuine. The Obamas are social with Beyoncé and Jay-Z. 4uzhoj); be in touch (Johnny Bravo); hobnob with (Mosley Leigh); deal (кем-либо); on speaking terms (с кем-либо: My mother is not on speaking terms with her older sister Taras); associate (with с + instr., with); mingle (with); mix (mix socially MichaelBurov); engage (with ... – с ...)
Игорь Миг hang around with (I didn't like hanging around with him. He was always playing the Big Shotberdy); rub elbows
amer. visit (joyand)
bizn. associate with; communicate with; socialize; socialize with contacts
daw. commerce
ekon. communicate
elektron. meet
figur. put the world to rights (YuliaO)
idiom. sit down with (sankozh)
makar. intercommunicate (друг с другом); mix with (someone – с кем-либо); assort with; go about (с кем-либо); knock about with; mix in (в обществе); mix up (в обществе); troop with; mingle (с людьми)
młodz. hang out (wordsbase)
nief. go around
nief., amer. gam
ofic. have communication (At this point their team does not want to have that communication. ART Vancouver)
rzad. company
slang bat one's gums; rub elbows with; bowler (Let's get together for a bowler. Interex)
technol. dialogue; dialog; hack (с вычислительной машиной)
żarg. hang out with (At this point she hangs out mostly with Carmen and Sophie. ART Vancouver)
"общаться" czas.
elektron. hack (с компьютером)
общий przym.
posp. common (общего пользования); public; combined; aggregate (aggregate membership – общее число членов); conjoint; joint; mutual; corporate; global; all-round; broad; generic; collective; encyclical; all round; generical; nett; main (JoyJoyce); all-embracing; comprehensive; entire; larger (Melechka); broadly-based (Ремедиос_П); collaborative (ssn); basic (problems В.И.Макаров); overall; general (не частный); total; in common; blanket; whole; commutual; ecumenic; systemic (Corruption in the police force is systemic. LDCE Alexander Demidov); vulgar; net; collegiate; default (The default limitation period for all commercial matters without specific rules is ten years. Alexander Demidov); corporative; batched (Ремедиос_П); ecumenical; oecumenic; oecumenical; pervading; undivided
Игорь Миг across-the-board
bizn. crude; united; high-level (о показателях Clairseach)
bud. cumulative
daw. improper; unproper
finans. lump-sum; across the board
gram. absolute
inżyn. complete (функции нулевого защитного и нулевого рабочего проводников совмещены в одном проводнике (PEN проводник) Natalya Rovina)
kolej. lax
kontekst everyone's (всех – принадлежащий всем: “We’re starving, Gordon, we need more food,” another woman quipped. [...] “Listen, I understand; but this is everyone’s food, not just yours,” Gordon responded pointedly. • everyone's clothes bookreadfree.com Shabe)
księg. single; master budget (главный) бюджет (смета teterevaann); comprehensive budget (главный) бюджет (смета teterevaann)
logist. allover
makar. all-up; grand; lump; miscellaneous; community (об учреждении и т.п.)
mat. gross; universal
med. constitutional (о заболевании); semi-private (о палате; shared with usually one to three other hospital patients: a semiprivate room or shared room Taras); semiprivate (о палате; shared with usually one to three other hospital patients: a semiprivate room Taras)
metrol. integral; integrated
olej. share; shareable; pooled
patent. jointly
pojazd. over-all
polit. over-arching (MichaelBurov)
progr. same (ssn)
przen. overarching (While every investigation is unique, the overarching process our investigators follow is shown below. MichaelBurov); wastebasket (о смысле, категории и т. п. Vadim Rouminsky)
psych. catholic; corporational; schematic
robot. lumped
sach. o/all
sieć. sharable
skr. comm
slang PX
technol. shared; generalized; communal; Ba (duga57)
telekom. omnibus (oleg.vigodsky)
wojsk. uniform
zarz. overhead (Dashout)
общий IgE przym.
med. Total Immunoglobulin E (olga don); tIgE (olga don)
общее przym.
posp. general
общий MPLS przym.
komun. generic MPLS (GMPLS)
в сложных словах имеет значение общий przym.
posp. pan
все общий przym.
nawig. over-all
общая боевая сетевая система
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