
   Rosyjski Angielski
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posp. there's no help for it; you can't help it ("You can't help it, my dear Watson. You must play your cards as best you can when such a stake is on the table." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver); that's that; there is nothing we can do (Alex_Odeychuk); there is nothing you can do about it; there is nothing to do; can't help it; can't help that; it cannot be helped; it is no go; such is life; there's nothing to be done; there is no help for it (VLZ_58); there is nothing to be done; that's the way the mop flops (Anglophile); there is no getting around it (lexicographer); nothing for it (NumiTorum); there's nothing for it (4uzhoj); there's nothing to do about it (Ufel Trabel); there is no way around it (YuliaO); can't be helped (NumiTorum); so it goes (alexsokol); accidents will happen (Boris Gorelik)
idiom. deal with it (Vadim Rouminsky); oh well (Баян)
makar. that's that
nief. nothing doing; that is that; it can't be helped (She said she had to leave him for a while; it couldn't be helped.); it is what it is (AMlingua); that's that; it comes with the job (сугубо в контексте: I had to lay off two-thirds of the company. This sucked, but it comes with the job. • Everybody is always going to have haters. It comes with the job. 4uzhoj)
przysł. it cannot be helped (с кем, с чем); it is unmanageable (с кем, с чем); there is no restraining (someone; с кем, с чем); there is nothing for it (с кем, с чем)
slang tough titty (Well, tough titty. You're going to do it anyway vogeler)
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: 43 do fraz, 6 tematyki
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