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Gruzovik illiterately; ungrammatically
posp. making many mistakes in grammar; making many mistakes in spelling
неграмотный przym.
posp. illiterate (человек); unlearned; unlettered; analphabetic; letterless; unalphabeted; unbooked; unread; ignorant (Aly19); crude (о работе, рисунке и т.п.); inexpert (о работе, рисунке и т.п.); incompetent (e.g. manager Tanya Gesse); of little education; not versed (in); ungrammatical
Игорь Миг ungrammatical (Meanwhile, in St. Petersburg the holiday is being celebrated with posters: Мы едины для мира – a strange, almost ungrammatical statement that is most likely a translation from the English: We’re united for peace. So a Christian saint on a secular holiday is no problem, and a bad Russian translation of an English slogan fits the bill. -– MBerdy (2016))
krzyw. inept (having or showing no skill; clumsy: Truss is way way out of her depth. She is worse than useless. I have no doubts they completely dismiss anything she says, and even their old asset Bunter is proving completely inept. -- проявил себя совершенно неграмотно reddit.com ART Vancouver)
polit. illiterate person (ssn)
psych. nonliterate
неграмотная przym.
Gruzovik illiterate; ungrammatical
неграмотные przym.
makar. people unable to read or write
: 22 do fraz, 8 tematyki
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