
   Rosyjski Angielski
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posp. sited; airborne; sky-borne; residing
astronaut. based
geogr. intertropical; intratropical; found
mat. situated; being
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posp. T.E.
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posp. respect
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Gruzovik arrive at (impf of найти); find (impf of найти); take pleasure, comfort, etc in (impf of найти); come across/over/upon (impf of найти); stumble on (impf of найти); cover of clouds (impf of найти); overcast of clouds (impf of найти)
posp. come upon (with на + acc.); espy; meet; spy; start; derive; gain (pleasure, satisfaction. etc.); run into; gather (of clouds, twilight, etc.); obscure; come across; be seized with; happen to have; not to at loss; hit on; hit upon; strike (with на + acc.); take; hit; see; think; trace; search out; detect; track down (напр, the Internet is making it easier to track down the best financial deals Olga Okuneva); peck out; grub; tap (ресурсы и т.п.); consider (в значении "считать, полагать"; He considered this argument to be reasonable. I. Havkin); look up; believe (в значении "считать", "думать", "полагать" I. Havkin); gather (of clouds, twilight, etc. Stas-Soleil); come up with (Tamerlane); make; overcast (of clouds); stumble (on); take in; tread a path; rout; rummage; unhasp; scout out (VLZ_58); retrieve; sniff (обыкн. sniff out); come (across, over, upon; up against); get (ответ); seek (цель); win (Vadim Rouminsky)
aeroh. extract
amer. crawl up one's ass (What crawled up her ass? – Что на неё нашло?; What crawled up your ass (and died)? – Какая муха тебя укусила? Taras)
bizn. disclose; discover
dial. look like; resemble
elektron. find
Gruzovik, nief. gather in large numbers (impf of найти); collect in large numbers (impf of найти); flock together in large numbers (impf of найти); penetrate of gas, cold air, etc (impf of найти); incur by walking (pf of нахаживать)
Gruzovik, przen. come over (impf of найти); seize (impf of найти); resemble (impf of найти); look like (impf of найти)
inżyn., daw. develop
komp. locate (место)
kontr. dig (напр., неисправность); work
makar. retrieve (данные); find out; recover; sniff; sniff out; work out; come by; dig out; find someone, something (кого-либо, что-либо); fish up; pick up; rout out; rout up; rummage out; rummage up; see in; strike on; strike upon; turn up
makar., nief. dig up; drop on; hit off
mat. determine; get; solve for; search
micr. find (To locate or come upon through action); locate (To find)
mor. seek
nief. get into (What's got into you? – Что на тебя нашло? Ant493); collect; cover (a certain distance); drub; flock together (in large numbers); penetrate (of gas, cold air, etc); thrash; walk
prakt. arrive at a conclusion; conclude; deem; hold
przen. clock (Vadim Rouminsky)
przen., nief. come (over)
sieć. retrieval
slang hook
szach. spot
techn. locate
technol. locate (местоположение данных)
wydob. identify (Leonid Dzhepko)
находиться czas.
Gruzovik turn up (impf of найтись); know what to do (impf of найтись); not be at a loss (impf of найтись); find the right word to say (impf of найтись)
posp. be situated; belong; stand; exist; lie under (подозрением и т. п.); reside in; keep; stand about (обыкн. без особой цели); soldier; stand around (обыкн. без особой цели); be in possession (rechnik); dwell; flank; perch; be situated; remain (ssn); hang in (Ant493); find the right word to say; know what to do; turn up; bear (где-либо); bide (временно, где-либо); come; home (где-либо); seat (где-либо); intervene (между); reside at; reside; not to be at a loss; sit (о предметах: Don't allow the carrier to sit in direct sunlight in the car.); sit; be stationed (в знач. "размещаться": Each plotter was responsible for aircraft movements in a particular sector, changing the plots regularly so that the whole picture of a raid could be monitored by the Group controllers who were stationed in a gallery above the plotting table.); be; lie (To lie still (motionless) – лежать спокойно (без движения).); abound; be posted (по направлению правительства: The U.S. government employees posted in Kyiv. • Ukrainian military intelligence has identified and publicly named dozens of Russian officers posted to the region. 4uzhoj); be out in (временно) в (другом населённом пункте; Chamberlain was out in New York, even though the Warriors had a home game scheduled. Баян); find one's self; stay for; go; go in; lay still; speed; stand under; stop; be ready with an answer; come up with a quick answer; be home to (Перевод выполнен inosmi.ru: And it was home to one of the country’s most sensitive nuclear installations, NII-1011. – И там находилось одно из самых секретных заведений страны по ядерным исследованиям, носившее название НИИ-1011.  dimock)
amer. repose (на сохранении; s in "the diamond now reposes in the Louvre" Val_Ships)
chem. lay
figur. be perched (The castle is perched high in the hills of Scotland. VLZ_58)
geol. occur (о месторождении); occur (о месторождении)
Gruzovik, nief. have walked long enough; tire oneself by walking
hodowl. be located (dimock)
inżyn. underline (под чем-либо)
książk. reside (где-либо)
makar. appear; bear (о местности и т.п.); stay; dwell at; dwell in; be found (быть, иметься); be there (быть, иметься); find the right thing to do (не теряться, соображать); find the right words to say (не теряться, соображать); float around (поблизости); dwell on
makar., nief. knock about; knock around
mat. situate; be contained in; be present; spend time
med. site
mor. range (в известном направлении, в известной стороне)
nawig. lie (на расстоянии); surmount (над чем-л.)
nief. drub; have walked long enough; look like; make; take in; thrash; tread a path; walk; cover (a certain distance)
nief., dial. resemble
ofic. wont
praw. seat; be within
progr. follow (ssn)
przen. live (By then, my brains have descended to a spot about two feet lower than where they usually live. I'm sorta floating on a little cloud of testosterone-fuelled happiness. 4uzhoj)
techn. be found
technol. locate; rest (zeev)
transp. be retained (Yeldar Azanbayev)
wydob. occur (о месторождении Leonid Dzhepko)
находящийся przym.
posp. sited; airborne; sky-borne; residing; proximate to (расположенный) возле (у, вблизи от, рядом с и т. п. I. Havkin); located (Stas-Soleil)
astronaut. based
bizn. based in (в Andrey Truhachev)
geogr. intertropical; intratropical; found (Ольга Матвеева)
mat. situated; being; lying in
technol. lying
находится czas.
posp. lies (3-е лицо); is situated (Their planet is situated in the constellation Libra. ART Vancouver); is home to (Seattle is home to Starbucks, Boeing and Microsoft. – В Сиэтле находятся ... ART Vancouver)
amer. where someone is (depending on context Maggie)
находясь czas.
mat. if; when; while
находя czas.
mat. by finding; if we find; finding
находить with на + acc. czas.
posp. come over (of emotions); cover (of clouds)
где-либо находиться czas.
makar. home; go (went; gone)
нахоженный ims. przym.
Gruzovik well-trodden
Находитесь czas.
lotn. Position (place; типовое сообщение по связи; пункт)
 Rosyjski tezaurus
находить czas.
posp. настоящее время не используется находить
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