
   Rosyjski Angielski
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do fraz
настоящим доводится до всеобщего сведения, чтоakcenty
posp. hereby makes known that (Johnny Bravo); to all whom these presents shall come (Johnny Bravo); to all to whom these presents shall come (Johnny Bravo); know all men by this certificate (Johnny Bravo); all whom these presents may come (Johnny Bravo); all to whom these presents may come (Johnny Bravo); all to whom this certificate may come (Johnny Bravo); know all men by this presents that (Johnny Bravo); all whom these presents come to view (Johnny Bravo); all to whom these presents come to view (Johnny Bravo)
eduk. all to whom these presents may come (Johnny Bravo)
настоящим доводится до всеобщего сведения , что
: 1 do fraz, 1 tematyki