
   Rosyjski Angielski
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posp. knock-down; minimal; minimum; hand-to-mouth; irreducible; floor
techn. lowest
| абсолютная высота
 абсолютная высота
posp. absolute pitch
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 по маршруту
robot. via
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do fraz
минимальный przym.akcenty
posp. knock-down (о цене на аукционе); minimal; minimum; hand-to-mouth; irreducible; floor; skeleton (UniversalLove); rock-bottom (Ремедиос_П); qualifying (the qualifying delay is 3 hours or more sankozh); low (Phyloneer); scant (Police found scant evidence of fraud. VLZ_58); remote (very small : SLIGHT a remote chance [=a very small possibility] VLZ_58); rudimentary (иногда подходит Tanya Gesse)
fiz. underload
kabl. least
kolej. minor
makar. narrow
mat. smallest
med. marginal (напр., о реакции)
nauk. de minimus (MichaelBurov)
publ. baseline (включающий минимальный набор функций или оборудования)
sieć. entry-level
techn. lowest
technol. bare; baseline; light; as small as possible (Вера Кузнецова); low-end
wierc. no-go
минимально przysł.
posp. marginally; at the least estimate; at least; in the least (WiseSnake); sparingly (использовать что-л.: Another key to keeping apartments cool lies in minimizing internal sources of heat. Appliances, particularly larger ones like ovens and dryers, can significantly increase indoor temperatures. By using these appliances sparingly, and only during the cooler parts of the day, residents can avoid the additional heat they generate. (burnabynow.com) ART Vancouver)
idiom. at the inside (Alexander Matytsin)
mat. minimally
prod. in minimum (Yeldar Azanbayev)
минимальная абсолютная высота по маршруту
: 1 do fraz, 1 tematyki