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posp. bring to bay; drive to bay; stymie; corner; get somebody cornered (Secretary); drive into a corner; have on the run (to be in a strong position to defeat someone (After last night's broadcast debate, he has the opposition candidate on the run) TaylorZodi); pin (кого-либо); stymy; force into a corner (odonata); back someone into a corner (valtih1978); box into a corner (You have to admit I have boxed you into a corner on this one. 4uzhoj); pin into a corner (Гевар); paint into a corner (особенно, самого себя Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Миг get someone in a tight place
anim. get cornered (South_Park)
idiom. stalemate (Andrey Truhachev)
makar. pen in a corner
nief. back into a corner (поставить в безвыходное положение Rust71); put in a corner (serial "Better call Saul" tchimphu)
przen. pen someone in (Linch)
przysł. push someone into the corner (Olga Okuneva)
slang cooler; railroad (обманом или силой fa158); have someone by the short and curlies (george serebryakov)
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posp. manoeuvre into a corner; put into a corner; squash into a corner; have somebody cornered (fddhhdot)
makar. drive into beleaguered posture; get someone in a tight corner
przen. drive into a corner
wulg. get somebody by the short hair (см. short hair s); get somebody by the short hairs (см. short hair s)
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posp. corner sb. (After several attempts at removing the critter from the tree, it finally released its grasp and fell to the ground, which kicked off a strange showdown wherein Ingram reportedly chased the animal around her home for an astounding 30 minutes as it took refuge under various pieces of furniture while she was in hot pursuit. The bizarre battle came to an end when she was eventually able to corner the creature and "tackle him like an NFL football player." coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver); drive smb. into a corner; run smb. into a corner
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nief. have got get you coming and going (zdra)
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: 18 do fraz, 8 tematyki
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