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do fraz
дающий свидетельские показанияakcenty
praw. giving evidence as a witness
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posp. vouch; attest to; give witness
Игорь Миг evidence (юр.)
dypl. give testimony (в суде; на допросе – give/provide a statement); bear testimony (в отношении чего-либо)
makar. bear testimony; bear witness to; furnish evidence; give testimony; introduce evidence; produce evidence; provide evidence; give evidence
prakt. testify as a witness
praw. depose; testify; give a statement (письменные 4uzhoj); provide a statement (письменные 4uzhoj); make a statement (письменные 4uzhoj); give evidence (в суде: a person who has made a witness statement may refuse to give evidence in court • ...give evidence thereupon to the Grand Jury against... Alexander Demidov); develop testimony; give evidence as a witness; bear evidence; furnish testimony
praw., daw. bear witness
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posp. bear witness; witness
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Игорь Миг evidence
prakt. testify as a witness
дающий свидетельские показания
: 25 do fraz, 5 tematyki