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posp. apace; currente calamo; swiftly; like a shot; like the wind; jargon
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posp. right now (DrHesperus)
быстрый przym.
posp. quick; swift; agile; fleet; prompt; speedy; rapid; rattling (о походке, движениях); smart; hurried; spanking; feathered; expeditious; feathery; fleeting; flying; hasty; light (о движениях); lissome; lithesome; lively; nimble (об ответе); rathe; round (о движении); sharp; slick; slippy; summary; sweeping; tantivy; volant; winged; fluent; light-handed; straightaway; sweepy; lightsome; cracking; high-energy (о частицах); jump (о музыке); lissom; spirited; whipping; dapper; telegraphic; hot shot; hotshot; meteoric (Ista); high energy; jet propelled; light handed; darting; swift-handed; as brisk as a bee; deft; rapidly moving rapidly; skillful; spectacular; fast; ready; expedite; trotty; high-stepping (Sergei Aprelikov); time-efficient (Ремедиос_П); jumpy (Sergei Aprelikov); dashing; dexterous; dextrous; galloping; sharpish; slapdash; brief (Franky Mьller); fluid (См. пример в статье "беглый". I. Havkin); light-footed (VLZ_58); uptempo (Wanting to play some guitar on the end, Paul also introduced a new element to his composition, the uptempo finale Lily Snape); apt; cursory; flippant (о слоге); flit; fresh; light foot; light footed; lyncean (зрение, взгляд); off hand; off handed; percursory; precipitous; prest; transient; tripping; wimble; wing footed; wingy
astronaut., nief. hot
daw. appromt; present; festinate; lynceous (зрение, взгляд); presentaneous; yare
drewn. quick starting
idiom. fast and furious (Am.E.: The questions were coming fast and furious during the job interview – Во время собеседования для приёма на работу вопросы задавались очень быстро, один за другим Taras)
komp. highspeed; fast-acting
makar. lithesome (в движениях); energetic; express; lissom (в движениях); lissome (в движениях); lively (об уме и т.п.); precipitate; active
mat. rapid (for combustion to be rapid, the fuel and oxidant must be quickly mixed); swift (the most swift molecules possess sufficient energy to escape from the atmosphere)
med. touch-and-go; festinant; RPD (rapid I. Havkin)
mor. tearing
mot. racing
nief. pacey; snappy; quick of foot; jet-propelled; up (о темпе в джазовой или танцевальной музыке); zippy (able to move fast: a zippy little car VLZ_58); peppy (able to move fast: a peppy little car VLZ_58)
progr. atomic (доступ к данным ssn)
rzad. thrift; speedful; pernicious; flighty
slang loose as a goose; horse apple; loose; sudden-death (Interex)
techn. high-speed; sudden
technol. prompt (моментальный); explosive; nimble (Alex_Odeychuk)
wierc. live
wojsk., techn. high speed; posting
wulg. hell-bent
быстрее! przym.
posp. scud!; make haste! (Andrey Truhachev); step it up! (Рина Грант); hurry up! (Andrey Truhachev)
nief. move it! (Юрий Гомон); Shift yourself! (Andrey Truhachev)
slang shake one's ankle; shake a leg
быстрее przym.
posp. don't let flies stick to your heels; more quickly (Novoross)
med. in less time (Александр Стерляжников)
relig. faster
slang on the double
быстрей! przym.
makar. man alive! (восклицание, выражающее удивление, досаду и т.п.)
nief. chop-chop! (Andrey Truhachev); on the double! (MichaelBurov)
slang haba haba (военная команда)
быстрый Ethernet przym.
sieć. Fast Ethernet
более быстрый przym.
elektron. shortcut
Быстрее! przym.
nief. in no time!
быстро przysł.
posp. apace; currente calamo; swiftly; like a shot; like the wind; jargon; slick; at a good bat; at a quick pace; at the double; with celerity; lightly; roundly; at a rate of knots (Alex Lilo); in at full pelt; in a whisper (Rashid29); flat out; dartingly; pitter-patter; with speed; briefly (She nodded briefly and began to speak GeorgeK); on the jump; in a hurry; in quick time (Alexander Demidov); at speed (Alexander Demidov); early on (Taras); fast and frugal (klaragreen); smart (ssn); like one o'clock; fast (Virginia Woolf); in double-quick time; in short order; flat; wham bam; quickly; aptly; nimbly; fleetingly; sweepingly; telegraphically; yarely (Pippy-Longstocking); trippingly; briskly (Екатерина Лебедева); skittishly (Oleg Sollogub); soon; speedily; cursorily; off hand; in a minute (sever_korrespondent); from one day to the next (Andrey Truhachev); with urgency (Ремедиос_П); amain; betimes; rapidly; readily; promptly; overnight; pat; prompt; quick; swift; throw (в определенное состояние); hotfoot; hand over fist; like smoke; neck and crop; with despatch (to do something with despatch – делать что-либо быстро); with dispatch (do something with dispatch – делать что-либо быстро); hands down (Taras); post-haste (quickly Taras); forwardly; hand over hand; out of hand; hastily; plumb (о падении тел); presto; at a racing pace; sharply; snatchingly; fast; perniciously; precipitously; before too long; in quick time; off the cuff; on the job; shortly (Надушка); agilely ('More); at a rapid pace (As artificial intelligence continues to evolve at a rapid pace — which frightens some and excites others — enabling robots to approximate their human creators to increasingly greater degrees, Las Vegas is getting in on the game. reviewjournal.com ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг expeditiously
amer. at a steady clip (Slavik_K); at a good clip (Slavik_K); on short notice (I appreciate your willingness to see me on such short notice. • I can't cancel my plans at such short notice.)
amer., slang wham-bam
arch. rapely (Technical); rathly (Technical)
astronaut. rapid
bud. at short notice
daw. expeditely; festinately
dosł., łac. currente calamo (беглым пером)
ekon. at a high rate
idiom. like an arrow from a bow (VLZ_58)
jid. bekitzer (MichaelBurov)
lud. quick sticks
makar. at full pelt; currente calamo (лат., букв. беглым пером); in full pelt; like a blue streak; suddenly; thick; with expedition
med. celeriter (Lena Nolte)
muz. rapidamente; subito; veloce; allegro
myśl.łow. tivy
nief. pronto (MichaelBurov); in a crack; like a house on fire; bob; flat-out; live-o (Mostly used in the UK. Ferdinand Trussoff); rapido (из испанского языка Damirules); blinkety blink (Kochetkov made the save of the game when Tippett made a great backhand pass to captain Maxime Comtois speeding towards the net. Comtois redirected the puck perfectly, but the big goalie got his left pad over to the far post blinkety blink to make the save. george serebryakov); slap bang; slap dash; like shit off a shovel (Bert's new car of goes like shit off a shovel. 4uzhoj); on a dime (In the NHL, line combinations can change on a dime. VLZ_58)
poet. fleetly
relig. apace (In a swift manner, with speed, quickly)
retor. with only a few clicks (financial-engineer)
slang hell to split; horse apple; jet up; lickety-split; on the double; slippy; some; two shakes of a lamb's tail (Interex); chop-chop (MichaelBurov); in no time
szkoc.ang. belive
tłum. like one o'clock
wojsk. hubba-hubba
wulg. a-helling; hell to toot
wydob. at a brisk pace (Leonid Dzhepko)
łac. cito (Lena Nolte)
żarg. hubba-bubba (MichaelBurov)
"быстро" przysł.
posp. allegro con brio (с огнем, с жаром, весело, с блеском); allegro con fuoco (с огнем, с жаром, весело, с блеском); allegro con grazia (грациозно); allegro con scherzando (шутливо)
muz. presto
wł., muz. mosso; tosto
быстро! przysł.
posp. look sharp!; buzz
jap. hayaku! (MichaelBurov)
nief. get a move on (VLZ_58)
slang forthwith (приказание, призыв что-то немедленно сделать, предпринять); front and center
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