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болтун rzecz.akcenty
posp. chatterbox; blatherskite; bletherskate; chatterer; talker; telltale; mag; flibbertigibbet; gossip; magpie; rattle; rattler; rattletrap; sieve; tattler; addle egg; cackler; clacker; fiddle-faddle; gabber; maunderer; piffler; prater; prattler; ratchet jaw; rattle-box; speechifier; twaddler; wind-egg (яйцо без зародыша); windjammer; bagpipe; big mouth; parakeet; retailer; windy; a leaky vessel; jay; a man of many words; copious speaker; fiddle-faddles; paraquet; perroquet; chatty Cathy (gennier); rattle-brain (Anglophile); gabster (Anglophile); gabbler (Anglophile); ringer (alloptimistic); tale-bearer (esperanza111); fiddle faddle; maggot pie; rattle box; tattletale; bladder; quidnunc; gab-tongue; tell-tale; babbler; blab; blabber; gossiper; glib talker; bellwether (george serebryakov); chatterbox (my seat companion was a chatterbox who never once shut up during the whole trip vogeler); an addle egg; chatter-box; clatter-coat; dilater; discourser; a silly gossiping man; holder forth; impotent of tongue; a squirting fellow; tittle tattle; tongue-pad; fast talker; man of many words; rambler (aksa); conversationalist; wind-bag (TarasZ)
amer. fat-mouth (Anglophile); ratchet-mouth (Anglophile); motor-mouth (Anglophile)
amer., nief. loudmouth
austral. bilge artist
austral., nief. earbasher
austral., slang crap artist; gasbag
daw. clatterer; disard; gunster; jabberer; quodlibetarian; twattler
drob. runny egg (runny eggs – яйца-болтуны ART Vancouver)
dypl. compulsive talker (bigmaxus)
grub. bullshitter (Andrey Truhachev)
iron. speechmaker; space cadet (MichaelBurov)
krzyw. paper asshole (PanKotskiy)
makar. a retailer of gossip; hot-air salesman; retailer of gossip; a hot-air salesman
nief. oversharer (How to silence the office oversharer – Как заставить офисного болтуна замолчать jouris-t); bag of wind; windbag (That windbag is shooting the gab the whole day – Этот болтун треплется целый день Taras); gas-bag; gasser; jackdaw; spouter; barber's cat; big gob (Ivan Gribanov); schmoozer (grafleonov); blabbermouth (Taras); fast talker (обведет вас вокруг пальца своим разговором Yeldar Azanbayev); drivelling idiot (Br. Andrey Truhachev); trash-talker (Aus. Andrey Truhachev); raw-gabbit (archaic Scot. Andrey Truhachev); bullshit artist (SirReal); wannabe (Andrey Truhachev); motormouth (VLZ_58)
nief., rzad. chatterbag (Do you ever shut up, chatterbug? vogeler)
pejor. windbag (Andrey Truhachev)
pogard. ranter
progr. bumbler (ssn)
przen. hot air balloon (Talk like a big business tycoon But you're just a hot-air balloon So no one gives you a damn You're just an overgrown schoolboy Let me tan your hide. Death on Two Legs, a song by Freddie Mercury, born on September 5, 1946. It's the opening track of Queen's 1975 album A Night at the Opera. VLZ_58)
roln. addled-egg; wind egg (яйцо без зародыша)
slang yakker; catamaran; ear-bender; flapjaw; gum-beater; jawbone; bull shitter (MichaelBurov); line shooter (MichaelBurov); wind-jammer; windmill; yapper (Putney Heath); cojun box (i-version)
slang, makar. hot-air artist; hot-air merchant
szkocj. haverel
wulg. big-mouthed son of a bitch; bullshit-artist; man with a paper ass; man with a paper asshole
żart. leaky vessel (о человеке, не хранящем тайны); sand beggar (US alloptimistic); ringer (US alloptimistic); beggar (US alloptimistic)
болтуны rzecz.
Игорь Миг gossipy folks
nief. schmoozerati (DC)
progr. bumblers (ssn)
: 55 do fraz, 17 tematyki
Amerykański używanie2
Australijski używanie1
Hodowla zwierząt1