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 Angielski tezaurus
Oharae rzecz.
relig. 'Ceremony of great purification'. A form of harae rite based on the oharae norito in the Engi-shiki, also known as the Nakatomi no harae after the Nakatomi clan who were authorised to recite it. An o-harae is now performed in the imperial household and at shrines throughout Japan twice a year on the last days of the sixth and twelfth months (June and December). The term is used for special end-of-year purification rites e.g. in companies. Individuals may also recite the oharae norito as a form of purificatory practice A Popular Dictionary of Shinto (Brian Bocking)
Ohara: 10 do fraz, 2 tematyki
Opieka zdrowotna4