
   Francuski Angielski
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ekon. Protocol; Protocol; protocol
komp. protocol
ochr.środ. protocol
organ. Protocol Agreement
patent. minutes; record; report
| annexe
ubezp. attachment slip
| au
geogr. Au
| traite sur l'Union europeenne
 traité sur l'Union européenne
ekon. Treaty on European Union
| et
komp. AND
| aux
leśn. missanda
| traites
posp. EU Treaties
| instituant
praw. testamentary heir
| les
praw. adversely affected
| Communautes
mat. common factor variance
| europeen
polit. Europeans
- znaleziono osobne słowa

do fraz
protocole m
ekon. Protocol (EU, UE); Protocol EU (UE); protocol
komp. protocol (of communication)
med. case report
ochr.środ. protocol 1. The original draft of a document. 2. An international agreement of a less formal nature than a treaty. It is often used to amend treaties
organ. Protocol Agreement
patent. minutes; record; report
telekom. log
łyżw. summary marking card
protocoleN m
technol. N-protocol; protocol
Protocole annexe au traite sur l'Union europeenne et aux traites instituant les Communautes
: 2 do fraz, 1 tematyki