
   Francuski Angielski
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posp. concord
ekon. agreement; agreement
elektron. tuning
imigr. acceptance
międz. arrangement
ochr.środ. agreement
patent. settlement; understanding
praw. ang. accord
| portant
nauki prz. roln. in-calf
| creation
przem. bud. fashion
| d
komun. technol. D-star
| un
związk. ENU
| Conseil de representants
 Conseil des représentants
handel. GATT Council of Representatives
| d
komun. technol. D-star
| Etats
szt. condition
| europeens
polit. Europeans
| pour
patent. with regard to
| l
techn. Length
| etude
szt. study
| des plans
 de plan
bud. planned
| d
komun. technol. D-star
| un
związk. ENU
- znaleziono osobne słowa

do fraz
accord m
posp. concord
bank. approval; consent
bud. treaty; engagement
ekon. agreement (EU, UE); agreement EU (UE)
elektron. tuning
EU agreement
imigr. acceptance
międz. arrangement
ochr.środ. agreement An agreement, convention, or promise of two or more parties, by deed in writing, signed, and delivered, by which either of the parties pledges himself to the other that something is either done, or shall be done, or shall not be done, or stipulates for the truth of certain facts; contract
patent. settlement; understanding
praw. contract
praw., ang. accord
techn., inżyn. compliance
 Francuski tezaurus
skr., organ., slang. activités de coopération de l'anase et de la chine pour faire face aux drogues dangereuses
Accord portant creation d'un Conseil de representants d'Etats europeens pour l'etude des plans d'un
: 1 do fraz, 1 tematyki
Badania i rozwój1