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SOS ['esəu'es] rzecz.
leśn. sos -hälytys
 Angielski tezaurus
SOS ['esəu'es] rzecz.
eduk. Sentences of Seven
fizj. Stimulation of senses
grub. Swap our Sisters
przem. Shit on a Shingle
relig. save our santa
skr. Safe Online Shopping; Save Our State; Share Our Strength; Survivors Of Suicide; A Searching Out Suckers; International Distress Signal 2 Squadron Officers' School; Repeat Once If Necessary; Sack Of Shit; Safe Operating Speed; Salvation Of Souls; Same Old Stuff; Satanic Occult Spectrum; Satellite Observing System; Save Old Souls; Save Ontario Shipwrecks; Save Our Saucepans; Save Our School; Save Our Scraps; Save Our Selves; Save Our Sentinel; Save Our Separator; Save Our Ships; Save Our Skins (sarcastic version of Save Our Souls - emergency radio call for help Andrew Goff); Save Our Society; save our souls; Save Our Students; Save, Organize, And Share; School Of Swing; Scripps Outstanding Speakers; Searching Out Scripture; See Our Shirts; Seeds Of Success; Send Out SIgnal; Send Out Someone; Susies One Size; single obligation structure; Sentinel On Station; Servants Of The Savior; Serve Our Savior; Serve Our Schools; Serving Our Savior; Shape Originality And Style; Share Our Savior; Sharing Our Selves; Sherwood Oaks Seaters; Ship Or Shoot; Shipments Of Spares; Sick Of Soca; Signs Of Stress; Simple Operating System; Simple Original Solutions; Simplicity Of Spirituality; Situations Outcomes And Strategies; Slightly Off Specification; Sober Or Slammer; Sold Out Souls; Soldiers Of Satan; Some One Smart; Someone Overly Sexual; Son of Stopgap (DEC; editor); Sound Of Sex; Sounds Of Succes; Sounds Of The Spirit; Southern Oxidant Study; Speak Out Softly; Speak Out Students; special outpatient services (Марат Каюмов); Spinal Orthopedic And Sport; Spirit Of Sharing; Spirit Of The Sharks; Spirt Of The Sharks; Stamp Out Stupid; Standards and Open Systems; Standing On Stone; start of shift (Yakov); Start Of Significance; Start Out Savings; Steak On A Shingle; Stock Optimizing Selector; Store Opening Solutions; Student Opportunities And Services; Student Orientation Service; Students Offering Services; Students Offering Support; Students Organized For Service; Students Organizing Students; Students Orienting Students; Sucking On Something; Sum Of Stupidity; Summary Opinion Support; Summary, Opinion, And Support; Summer Of Service; Sun Orange Small; Support On Site; Support One Student; Support Our Society; Support Our Station; Supporting Our Students; Swap Operating Shell; Swims On Side
skr., bud. smooth-on-one-side lumber (Yeldar Azanbayev)
skr., eduk. Save Our Schools; Support Our Students
skr., elektron. silicon on sapphire (IC); solder overlay system; second-order statistics (algorithm); self-organizing system; semiconductor-thin oxide-semiconductor (structure); silicon on silicon; silicon on spinel; small operating system; software out of service; sound operating system; standard operating system; start-of-scan; strategic orbital system; system-on-silicon; share operating system; symbolic operating system
skr., elektron., nauk. Silicon On Sapphire
skr., finans. Somali Shilling; Special Office Support Group
skr., fizj. Si Opus Sit If there is a need; Stimulation Of Senses; Sudden Onset of Sleep
skr., fizj., med. Son of sevenless
skr., gen. save our soul
skr., giełd. Storage Computer Corporation
skr., immun. system
skr., intern. Sink Or Swim
skr., lab. Snore Outcomes Survey
skr., leśn. SOS Apel au secours; Notruf; s.o.s; SOS socorro; SOS alarm
skr., logist. Scheduled Ordering System (gorbulenko)
skr., lotn. sales order screen; scavenge oil system; sell or scrap; share operation system; shop out stock; short order shop; sight optical system; simulator operation system; special operation squadron; stores out of stock; symbolic operation system
skr., makar. scheduled oil sampling
skr., mater. strength of struck
skr., med. if necessary (inn); sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (Игорь_2006); Save Our Shores
skr., med., łac. si opus sit
skr., micr. emergency (A telephone number that connects to a country or region's emergency system (for example, police and fire department)); emergency call (A call made to an emergency number)
skr., mor. Singapore Organisation of Seamen ((Сингапур) Ying)
skr., muz. Sound of Soul
skr., nief. same old stew
skr., praw. Son Of Sam
skr., progr. service operations system (ssn)
skr., przem. Strawberry On Shortcake
skr., półprz. silicon-on-sapphire
skr., rekl. sound on sound; share of spending
skr., relig. Secular Organizations For Sobriety; Son Of Satan; Source Of Strength; Spawn Of Satan
skr., rozsz. Sophisticated Operating System
skr., sach. Sakhalin-Okhotsk seismogenic zone; Sakhalin-Okhotsk shelf
skr., sieć. secure operating system
skr., spad. single operation system
skr., sport Save Our Souls; Strength Of Schedule
skr., stan. Summer Opportunities for Students (летняя работа для школьников в США BabaikaFromPechka)
skr., szkoc.ang. Sapphire On Silicon; Sick On Shore; Special Operations Squadron (USAF); Stabilised Optical Sight
skr., techn. safe operating stop (Andrey250780)
skr., technol. server operating system
skr., telekom. single-channel simplex
skr., wojsk. Save Our Sailors; Save Our Ship; Service Over Self; Son Of Spy; System of Systems; distress signal
skr., wojsk., lotn. safety observation station
skr., włók. some old shit
techn. shift operations supervisor; Shuttle onboard software; silicon-on-spinel; Socony oxidation susceptibility; space optical sensor; stand-alone operating system; start-of-significance character; system operational specification
technol., skr. Son of Stopgap (editor, DEC)
wojsk. satellite observation system; senior officers' school; senior officers' seminar; service of supply; ships overhaul schedule; smoke obscuring screen; source of supply; special operations school; special operations squadron; Speed of Service; Sprint operations shelter; squadron officers school; stabilized optical sight; staff organizational structure; statement of service
SoS ['esəu'es] rzecz.
olej. Security of Supplies (Надежность поставок; безопасность поставок Beforeyouaccuseme)
So. skr.
skr. soft
SoS ['esəu'es] skr.
skr., mot. Sound-of-Single
So [səu] skr.
skr., nauka o z. supraoccipital
SOS ['esəu'es] skr.
skr. submarine sonarman
skr., bizn. service of suit
skr., intern. same old shit (abbr. Val_Ships)
skr., komp. share operating system; simulator operating system
skr., lotn. sidewall overhead stowage; service operation system
skr., mult. systems on silicon
skr., nauka o z. struck of strength; sum of square; system operation simulator
skr., progr. structural operational semantics (ssn); Service Operations System (ssn)
skr., przestrz. sample operating system; satellite ocean surveillance; space operation service; storm observation satellite; subjective opinion scale; synchronous orbit satellite; system of system
skr., ropa / r. Safety on Sea; sandy oosparite; seeking other solution; seismic operating system; set operand stack
skr., stan. Start On Success (программа для учащихся с ограниченными возможностями BabaikaFromPechka)
skr., zarządz. Scope of Services (объём услуг ixtra)
: 5 do fraz, 1 tematyki