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patch [pæʧ] rzecz.
elektron. correzioni m
hutn. ripristinare; riparare m (un rivestimento); rappezzare
mat. chiazza f; curva di livello
med. compressa di garza; cerotto m; macula m; rattoppare; aggiustare; benda m; fascia f; fasciatura f; impiastro m; benda oculare; placca f; piastra f; macchia f
przem., bud. tassello m; toppa f; tassello a losanga
roln., ekon. particella catastale; appezzamento m; lotto m; parcella f
stat. insieme di livello
technol. correggere m; correggere temporaneamente; modificare un programma; collegamento provvisorio; correzione m; correzione posticcia; correzione di un programma oggetto; connessione non provvisoria
technol., elektron. pezza f; patch m
patch [pæʧ] czas.
med. cerotto con garza
patching ['pæʧɪŋ] czas.
bud. rincalzatura; riparazioni locali
przem., bud., hutn. rivestire i blocchi
transp. manutenzione con il metodo del "punto a tempo"
 Angielski tezaurus
patch [pæʧ] rzecz.
technol. An area of systems management that involves acquiring, testing and installing multiple patches code changes to an administered computer system in order to maintain up-to-date software and often to address security risk (Patch management tasks include the following: maintaining current knowledge of available patches; deciding what patches are appropriate for particular systems; ensuring that patches are installed properly; testing systems after installation; and documenting all associated procedures, such as specific configurations required. A number of products are available to automate patch management tasks. Patches are sometimes ineffective and can sometimes cause more problems than they fix. Patch management experts suggest that system administrators take simple steps to avoid problems, such as performing backups and testing patches on non-critical systems prior to installations. Patch management can be viewed as part of change management)
PATCH [pæʧ] skr.
skr., fizj., med. Preventative Approach To Cardiac Health; Preventive Approach To Cardiac Health
skr., med. Planned Approach To Community Health
skr., szkoc.ang. Precision Approach To Coupled Hover
Patch [pæʧ] skr.
skr., rozsz. .pat
patch: 137 do fraz, 21 tematyki
Anteny i falowody2
Hobby i rozrywki1
Inżynieria materiałowa1
Linie energetyczne1
Nauka o ziemi2
Nauki o życiu9
Nauki przyrodnicze5
Opieka zdrowotna11
Technologia informacyjna6