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 Angielski tezaurus
U [ju:] skr.
skr., ekon. time zone U
U [ju:] skr.
inżyn., skr. unit; uranium
meteorol., skr. intensity unknown; potential energy; radiant energy; ugly weather; ultra-high frequency; units; upward; gust velocity
przem., skr. flow velocity; overall heat transfer coefficient; unclassified; unserviceable
skr. Unavailable; Units; Unlimited; Unsigned; Upper; Urban; Urgent; flow velocity; gust velocity; you (в телексах Yuriy83); component of velocity along X-axis; intensity unknown; overall heat transfer coefficient; U reference point (ISDN); U S Airways Group, Inc.; Ugly; ugly weather; UHF; unclassified; Uncommitted; Uncommon; Uncompromising; Unconditional; Undecided; Undefeated; Undefined; Undetectable; Unexcelled; Unicode; Unidentified; Unidirectional; Unification; uniform; Uninstall; union; united; United States of America; units; Universal Pictures; Universe; Unlicensed; Unlocked; Unlucky; Unmodified; Unofficial; Unplasticised; Unreliable; Unsatisfactory; unserviceable; unsymmetrical; Uphill; upward; Useless; Userid; Utah; micro-; utility aircraft; mutation pressure
skr., agrochem. underground
skr., biot. uracil
skr., bizn. ullage
skr., chem. enzyme unit
skr., chłodz. overall heat-transfer coefficient
skr., eduk., nauk. Undergraduate; University
skr., elektr. tension
skr., elektron. uniform; uncertainty; unprotected
skr., finans. unwinding
skr., fiz. potential difference
skr., fizj. Unusual
skr., gleb. undulating
skr., kartogr. unwatched; upper
skr., kino. Universal
skr., kontr. unit
skr., lab. undetected
skr., lotn. wind vector; unspecified; ultrasonic; unmanned; of M unit of measure
skr., med. Congenital Limb Absence; In Electrocardiography, An Undulating Deflection That Follows The T Wave; Uridylic Acid; Under; uridine (in polymers); urinary (concentration); potential deficiency; ulcus; urology; Urd
skr., med., notacj. internal energy (joules)
skr., mot. unleaded fuel only
skr., nauk. Uncertain
skr., nauka o z. ulna; upthrow; uraninite
skr., nazw. Ultralente insulin
skr., nief. upper class
skr., obsł. urea
skr., polim. ultra; unified
skr., przem. overall coefficient of heat transfer
skr., publ. Use
skr., rekl. ultra high frequency
skr., relig. Unity
skr., roln. unloading
skr., ropa / r. group velocity; volumetric photoelectric cross-section; ugly and threatening weather; underwater; undrained; uphole gain; upthrown
skr., sieć. rack unit (a structure used to securely hold servers at data centers. A standard height measure for servers is a rack unit. A unit (or "U") is 1-3/4" tall. There are 42 units in a rack. http://datacenter.5points.net/datacenter/support/glossary/ - A rack unit or U (less commonly RU) is a unit of measure used to describe the height of equipment intended for mounting in a 19-inch rack or a 23-inch rack ... wiki Alexander Demidov)
skr., sport Ultimate; United; active unit
skr., szkoc.ang. Time zone 112.5 W - 127.5 W (GMT +8)
skr., techn. uranium
skr., technol. Up; Update; User; Users; You; undefined
skr., uniw. University of Utah (igisheva)
skr., urządz. Uniformity of the measured values (Sagoto)
skr., wojsk. Unit; Unknown; wind speed
skr., włók. Underwear
techn. coefficient of heat transfer; intrinsic energy; potential energy; radiant energy; reaction velocity; ultra-high frequency; velocity
techn., lotn. wind vector
technol. you
technol., skr. you
u [ju:] skr.
olej. flow rate/area; flux
roln. ultimate
skr. u quark (MichaelBurov); u-quark (MichaelBurov); up quark (MichaelBurov); representing the greek mu - micro; anode utilization factor; atomic mass unit; micro- (millionth); internal stored energy; micro; neutron lethargy; specific volume; uncle; unified; unified atomic mass unit (Vosoni); unionist; unknown; unmarried; unoccupied; unpaid; utility
skr., elektron. unified atomic mass unit
skr., fiz. specific internal energy
skr., nauka o z. ultra-
sport umpire
U. skr.
praw. umpire; uniform; union; universal
skr. union (ist Vosoni); Utah; Utah Reports
skr., hand. unloading
skr., nauka o z. university; upper
skr., praw. of Pa.L.Rev. University of Pennsylvania Law Review
skr., techn. uran
u. skr.
meteorol. ugly threatening weather (Vosoni)
niem. und (and Vosoni); unter (among Vosoni)
skr. ultimate; unit; unit of unified scale
skr., bibliot. united
skr., ekon. unpaid
skr., mater. internal energy
skr., nauka o z. mobility; ultra-
U.К. skr.
skr., bibliot. United Kingdom
U/ skr.
skr., bizn. under
U- skr.
skr. uric acid
μU skr.
skr., med. microunit
U+ skr.
skr., ropa / r. urea
: 5 do fraz, 1 tematyki