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m [em] rzecz.
posp. انگريزی حروف تهجی کا تيرھواں حرف
 Angielski tezaurus
M [em] skr.
skr., foto. manual override
M. skr.
skr., ropa / r. meridian   ؛module
m. skr.
skr., ekon. money
skr., ropa / r. measurement   ؛meridional
ms. skr.
skr. manuscriptum
M [em] skr.
elektroch. mole
elektron. 106   ؛220
inżyn., skr. meter   ؛moisture   ؛moment
kolej., skr. mail (postal)
meteorol., skr. memorandum   ؛message   ؛messenger   ؛meteorological   ؛meteorologist   ؛metres   ؛meters   ؛midnight   ؛mile   ؛minus   ؛mist   ؛moderate   ؛moon   ؛morning
przem., skr. maxwell   ؛modulus   ؛moisture in steam sample   ؛molarity   ؛molecular weight   ؛month   ؛nucleus mass
skr. Making   ؛Man   ؛Management   ؛Mark   ؛Marketing   ؛May   ؛Message   ؛Michael   ؛Million   ؛Minutes   ؛Modern   ؛Monday   ؛Months   ؛militia   ؛Mach   ؛Mach number   ؛Machine   ؛Magic   ؛magnetic   ؛Magnetron   ؛Maiden   ؛Malaysia   ؛Managing   ؛Mandatory   ؛Maneuver   ؛Maniacal   ؛Manic   ؛Manifold   ؛Manservant   ؛March   ؛Marquess   ؛Marquis   ؛Mars   ؛Master   ؛Mathematics   ؛Matthew   ؛Mature   ؛Maturity (кредитование Leonid Dzhepko)   ؛Maxim   ؛Maximum   ؛Mechanized   ؛medical   ؛Mediocre   ؛Mega - (metric 10^6)   ؛Megawatt   ؛member   ؛meteorological   ؛meteorologist   ؛meter   ؛Meters   ؛meters   ؛metres   ؛metropolitan   ؛Michigan   ؛Milan   ؛mile   ؛Mille   ؛Miniatures   ؛minus   ؛Mira   ؛Misery   ؛mist   ؛moisture   ؛moisture in steam sample   ؛Molecular   ؛moment   ؛Monocytes   ؛Monon Railroad   ؛Monsieur   ؛month   ؛moon   ؛morning   ؛Moronic   ؛Moslem   ؛Motherfucker   ؛Motivation   ؛motorway   ؛Murder   ؛Murderer   ؛Mutual   ؛nucleus mass   ؛mix   ؛Mega- metric 10^6   ؛macadam road   ؛Malta   ؛megohm   ؛metallic   ؛metallurgical   ؛meterological   ؛mine-sweeper   ؛mining   ؛moment (of force)   ؛monovalent, metal   ؛Monthly Report   ؛Technical Memorandum   ؛thousand (mille)   ؛metaphase
skr., agrochem. meridian   ؛meteorology   ؛moraine   ؛mountain
skr., astron. Messier catalog (Vosoni)
skr., biol. heat   ؛height   ؛membrane   ؛methionine   ؛miscellaneous   ؛mucoid   ؛muscular
skr., bizn. mail   ؛major   ؛manager   ؛manifest   ؛marine   ؛melting   ؛metric   ؛midday   ؛middling   ؛minimum charge   ؛ministry   ؛monthly   ؛mortgage   ؛mould   ؛mold   ؛municipal
skr., bud. macadam
skr., chem. electropositive radical   ؛molar concentration (molarity)   ؛molecular weighty   ؛mustard gas
skr., eduk., nauk. Engineering
skr., elektron. mainframe   ؛melamine   ؛micron   ؛mirror   ؛modifier function bit   ؛monitor   ؛multiplexing   ؛Massachusetts general hospital utility multiprogramming system   ؛modem
skr., finans. supply of money
skr., fiz. luminous emittance
skr., fiz., nauk. Mass   ؛Multiple
skr., fizj. Male   ؛Molar   ؛Muscle
skr., gleb. mountainous
skr., hand. mail   ؛Malaysian Dollar   ؛mate   ؛money supply
skr., hutn. malleable
skr., inżyn. m   ؛graduated in metric (system)
skr., kartogr. Manitoba   ؛market   ؛meteorological radio station
skr., komp., technol. Memory
skr., kontr. maintenance ratio   ؛Markov (ian)
skr., logist. minimum rate
skr., lotn. marker   ؛marker beacon   ؛pitching moment   ؛maneuvering speed   ؛metres   ؛miles   ؛misleading   ؛mockup
skr., mat., nauk. Method
skr., med. Blood Factor In The MNS Blood Group System   ؛Multiple Tumors   ؛master   ؛medicine   ؛molar   ؛thousand   ؛muscle   ؛mega   ؛midnight (Vosoni)   ؛monoclonal (Vosoni)   ؛male   ؛married   ؛meg   ؛moles (per liter)   ؛morgan   ؛myopic   ؛myopia   ؛r molecular weight ratio   ؛maceratio   ؛Medical Service   ؛medullary   ؛mesophragm   ؛mesor   ؛metastases   ؛mitosis   ؛mitral   ؛moisture loss   ؛molar solution   ؛Moraxella   ؛mucoid colony   ؛multiprogrammable   ؛Musca   ؛muscularity   ؛Mycobacteria   ؛map unit
skr., med., notacj. mutual inductance (henry)   ؛amount of substance (mole)   ؛newton•meter   ؛radiant existance (watts per square meter)   ؛radiation   ؛thioinosine
skr., med., łac. marg о   ؛misce   ؛modus
skr., mor. mortar
skr., mot. manual mode   ؛manual transmission   ؛medium mode   ؛meter/ metre   ؛motor octane (number)
skr., nauk. Music
skr., nauka o z. intensity of magnetization   ؛magnaflux   ؛magnet   ؛magnetic dipole moment   ؛magnetism   ؛mammoth   ؛maps   ؛martin   ؛massive   ؛mass number   ؛Matsuyama   ؛melanite   ؛mercury   ؛mesosiderite   ؛metabolite   ؛metallurgy   ؛metasomatites   ؛micro-   ؛microcline   ؛middlings   ؛migmatite   ؛,m mile   ؛Mindel   ؛minitrack   ؛Moho   ؛mollusks   ؛moment of couple   ؛moment of force   ؛monoclinic   ؛monovalent metal   ؛monzonite   ؛mordenite   ؛Moscow
skr., olej. mln (MichaelBurov)
skr., onkol. Meter
skr., opt. magnification
skr., papier. One Thousand
skr., polim. mechanical   ؛mega   ؛modulus   ؛mol   ؛molality   ؛molarity   ؛molecular weight   ؛monovalent
skr., progr., technol. Mobile
skr., publ. Media   ؛Multimedia
skr., radio coefficient of modulation
skr., roln. mean   ؛micrococcus   ؛mycoplasm
skr., ropa / r. & FP maximum and final pressure   ؛a M-N crossplot parameter   ؛magnetization   ؛magnitude   ؛marginal allowable   ؛metacenter   ؛mobility ratio   ؛molal   ؛mudstone   ؛slope of interval transit time vs density   ؛Mach speed   ؛magnetic flux   ؛magnetite   ؛marble   ؛martensite   ؛massif   ؛matrix   ؛maximal   ؛median   ؛medieval   ؛megaohm   ؛mesh   ؛metasediment   ؛mica   ؛middle   ؛middle formation   ؛middlings   ؛milliard   ؛minor   ؛Miocene   ؛Mississippian   ؛modified   ؛moist   ؛mollusca   ؛montmorillonite   ؛mudflats   ؛muscovite   ؛mylar
skr., rozsz. Macro module (Brief)   ؛Maple Common binary file   ؛Matlab M-file Function and commands   ؛Miranda programming language Script file   ؛Objective-C language source code file (gcc)
skr., ryboł. natural mortality coefficient
skr., sach. magnitude (earthquake measured on Richter scale)   ؛US dollars million
skr., szkoc.ang. mach (speed of sound)   ؛mega - (million)   ؛Mike (phonetic alphabet)   ؛Time zone 172.5 E-180 E (GMT -12)
skr., techn. minimum acceptable reliability
skr., telekom. modem
skr., wojsk. Mission   ؛Model   ؛Mega (million)   ؛mobility (Киселев)
skr., wyśc. Mosaic
skr., zaop. M Infiltration Index phi
skr., znak. Microsoft
techn. bending moment   ؛intensity of magnetic polarization   ؛magnetic moment   ؛magnetic quantum number   ؛make   ؛maxwell   ؛megabyte   ؛mesa   ؛mesomeric effect   ؛metering   ؛micro   ؛moderate   ؛modulation   ؛modulation factor   ؛modulator   ؛molar concentration   ؛molecular magnetic rotary power   ؛molecular rotary power   ؛mother   ؛mother spacecraft   ؛multiplexer   ؛nautical mile   ؛order of spectrum   ؛slope of equilibrium curve
techn., agrochem. moraine   ؛mountain
techn., lotn. marker beacon
transp. minimum (rate classification)
wojsk. munition   ؛magazine   ؛maintainability   ؛maintenance   ؛map   ؛mark   ؛marshal   ؛mask   ؛material   ؛materiel   ؛measure   ؛mechanic   ؛mechanism   ؛memorandum   ؛memory   ؛message   ؛messenger   ؛microfilm   ؛microphone   ؛mil   ؛military   ؛mine   ؛minesweeper   ؛missing   ؛mobile   ؛mobilization   ؛model   ؛module   ؛motor   ؛mounted   ؛movement   ؛mustard
wojsk., agrochem. meteorology
wojsk., lotn. marker
M. skr.
praw. magistrate   ؛manslaughter   ؛manuscript
skr. Mary   ؛moisture content   ؛monthly (Vosoni)   ؛magnaflux   ؛male   ؛manual   ؛mask   ؛metacentre   ؛metre (meter)   ؛middle   ؛mile   ؛month   ؛Mg. medium machin gun
skr., bibliot. main   ؛master   ؛member   ؛mounted   ؛music
skr., ekon. monsieur
skr., fiz. magnetic dipole moment
skr., gr., nauka o z. mega-
skr., górn. megohm
skr., hand. memorandum   ؛motor
skr., hutn. wt. molecular weight
skr., nauka o z. Manitoba   ؛market   ؛megaohm   ؛metacenter   ؛micro-   ؛,m mile   ؛mode   ؛model
skr., techn. May
skr., włók. middling
skr., łac. Marcus ("Mark", a common Roman forename)   ؛Maria ("Mary")   ؛Martyr   ؛Memoria ("memory")   ؛Monumentum ("monument")
M/ skr.
skr., nauka o z. micro-
skr., ropa / r. chargeability   ؛middle   ؛mutual inductance
M% skr.
chem. mole per cent
M3 [em] skr.
skr. Cubic Meter
skr. megaohm
skr. macrophage
skr., elektron. megohm
Mα [em] skr.
skr., fiz. molecular rotary power
M % [em] skr.
skr., med. mole percent
M.% skr.
skr., nauka o z. molar percent
M2 [em] skr.
skr. Square Meter
M- skr.
skr. maxwell
ΔM skr.
skr., elektron. delta modulation
M Ω [em] skr.
skr., elektron. megaohm
Mω [em] skr.
skr., fiz. molecular magnetic rotary power
skr., gen. macrophage
μM skr.
skr., med. micromole
M'. skr.
skr., łac. Manius (a common Roman forename)
.M skr.
technol. text/plain
m [em] skr.
ekon. marginal cost   ؛money
farm. mixture
fiz. megacycle
kartogr. macadam (road)   ؛mud
med. murmur (Vosoni)
olej. apparent cementation factor   ؛cementation exponent   ؛fuel   ؛fuel consumption   ؛mile   ؛milli -   ؛milliard/billion   ؛slope
opt. electron rest mass
radio metres (Leonid Dzhepko)
roln. measurement   ؛milk   ؛mill
sach. milli (metric prefix meaning 1 x 1/1,000)
skr. meridional   ؛angular momentum   ؛maritime air mass   ؛quantity of magnetism   ؛main   ؛maintenance check   ؛manpower   ؛manual   ؛manual control   ؛married   ؛masculine   ؛mass flow rate   ؛mega-   ؛Member   ؛member of council   ؛merchant vessel   ؛metal   ؛metal case   ؛metre   ؛millimeter   ؛million   ؛mineral matter   ؛minimal   ؛minimum   ؛minute   ؛minutes charged   ؛missile   ؛mist   ؛mistake   ؛mix   ؛mixed   ؛mode   ؛moisture content   ؛month   ؛moon   ؛morning   ؛mouth   ؛subsea   ؛mean of population   ؛gene flow
skr., chem. meta-
skr., elektron. milli-   ؛mass of an electron
skr., fiz. electromagnetic moment   ؛mass of electron   ؛Poisson's ratio
skr., gen. minute plaque
skr., med. male   ؛meter   ؛minim   ؛mole   ؛meta   ؛muscle   ؛milliminim   ؛malignant   ؛mass of an atom or nuclidic mass (unified atomic mass units)   ؛melts at   ؛melting at   ؛metopion   ؛metronome   ؛minims   ؛misty   ؛absolute molecular mass   ؛μC millimicrocurie   ؛nanocurie
skr., med., notacj. standard error
skr., nauka o z. body-wave magnitude   ؛major element   ؛marine accumulation   ؛mesostasis   ؛Poisson's number
skr., ropa / r. mast   ؛medium   ؛AM milliammeter
skr., telekom. milli
spektr. multiplet (сокращение, принятое при характеристике спектра ЯМР. В отечественной практике функционирует аналогичное сокращение - "м" (мультиплет) Min$draV)
techn. malfunction
ubezp. Mile (s)
m. skr.
górn. mesh   ؛minor   ؛mother liquor
polim. machined   ؛mass   ؛medium   ؛melts at   ؛meta   ؛metric   ؛minimal   ؛minute   ؛molar
skr. magnet   ؛magnetic   ؛marked   ؛message   ؛milli-   ؛mine   ؛minim   ؛mistake   ؛moderate   ؛mouth   ؛material and labour   ؛metric graduated   ؛molality
skr., bibliot. map   ؛micro   ؛modern
skr., ekon. market value
skr., nauka o z. mark   ؛maxwell   ؛mean   ؛measure   ؛melting   ؛mud
włók. metre
μm skr.
sach. micrometer (1 x 10-6 m)   ؛micron (unit of length equal to 1/1,000,000 m or 1/1,000 mm)
skr. micron
skr., elektron. micrometer
skr., nauka o z. micrometers
skr. millimicro-
m- skr.
skr., chem. meso-
skr., med. meta
skr., med. milligamma   ؛nanogram
skr., med. millimicrometer
m- skr.
skr., nauka o z. meta-
skr., nauka o z. millimicron
θm skr.
skr. melting point
μμm skr.
skr. micro-micrometre