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dec rzecz.
technol. десяткове число; десятковий дріб
Dec rzecz.
technol. Гру f
 Angielski tezaurus
dec rzecz.
gram. declension
kartogr. decomposed
skr. deceased; decimal; decimeter; deciphering; decision; declaration; declared; decoding; decoration; decrease
skr., med. decayed; deciduous; decomposition
skr., med., łac. decanta
dec. rzecz.
ekon. decimetre (Seregaboss)
skr. decimal; decoration; decrease
skr., bibliot. deceased; decorated
skr., chem. decomposition
skr., ekon. declaration
skr., nauka o z. decimeter; declination; decompose; decomposes
skr., tworz. decomposes
DEC rzecz.
apoll. design evaluation comment
progr., technol. Decrement
skr. December; Department Of Environmental Conservation; Disasters Emergency Committee; District Export Council; Do Expect Cuts; Downhill, Etc., Crew; Department of Environmental Conservation; Detroit Edison Company; Development and Education Command; Disaster Emergency Committee
skr., archit. Display Energy Certificate (Display Energy Certificates (DECs) are required to be displayed in public buildings in a place accessible to the public, such as a reception area, to help the public understand how energy efficient a particular building is. balkonchik)
skr., data.prot. decipher
skr., elektron. data exchange control; deviant electronic configuration; double error correcting code; dynamically expanding context
skr., energ. design extension conditions (MichaelBurov); beyond-design conditions (MichaelBurov); beyond design reactor conditions (MichaelBurov)
skr., fizj. Desquamated Epithelial Cell
skr., fizj., med. Deceased; Decrease
skr., immun. dendritic epidermal cell
skr., inżyn. direct emergency control; direct energy conversion; distant electric control
skr., kasp. detailed design engineering contractor (Yeldar Azanbayev)
skr., komun. digital data communications message protocol
skr., lotn. Decatur, Illinois USA; digital data module (Interex); distance electric control
skr., med. diethylcarbamazine
skr., mot. digital electronic controller; digital engine control
skr., nazw. Dongfang Electric Corporation; Dongfang Electric Co, Ltd
skr., obsł. dietary energy consumption
skr., poczt. Division Environmental Coordinator (USPS)
skr., progr. data element concept (ssn)
skr., rekl. daily effective circulation
skr., rozsz. Device Clear
skr., stomat. Dental Education Clinic
skr., szkoc.ang. Defense Electronics Center (USAF); Digital Electronic Control; Digital Equipment Corp. (Switzerland)
skr., technol. Decoded file; Digital Equipment Corp
skr., transp. Drug Evaluation and Classification
skr., wojsk. Digital Equipment Corporation
skr., wojsk., lotn. control escort vessel
skr., zaut. deceleration; decreasing
techn. digital evaluation computer; dry electrolytic capacitor; dynamic energy conversion
Dec skr.
skr. danger area; declination; degree; depth; destroyed; diameter; disputed (area); double; doubtful; December
DEc skr.
skr., bizn. Doctor of Economics
Dec. rzecz.
łac. Decanus ("dean")
"Dec" rzecz.
archit. Decorated style
DEC VAX rzecz.
wojsk., skr. Digital Equipment Corporation (Virtual Address Extension)
Dec. skr.
skr. December
DEC skr.
skr. decahydronaphthalene; Digital Equipment Corp.
skr., bizn. decimetre; decompose; decoppering; decoder
skr., farma. drug-event combination (пара "лекарственное средство-нежелательное явление" Min$draV)
skr., nauka o z. Department of the Environment of Canada; dynamic emission control
skr., nazw. Data Equipment Company
skr., przestrz. detached experiment carrier; detector control
skr., ropa / r. data engineering chain; diesel electric with SCR silicon controlled rectifier converting system; discovery efficiency coefficient; dynamic exchange capacity