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micr. பதிவு
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log [lɔg] rzecz.
micr. பதிவு (A record of transactions or events that take place within an IT managed environment)
logging ['lɔgɪŋ] czas.
micr. பதிவெடுத்தல் (The process of recording actions that take place on a computer, network, or system); பதிவுசெய்தல் (The process of recording actions that take place on a computer, network, or system)
 Angielski tezaurus
LOG [lɔg] skr.
skr., eduk. Learning Outcome Guide
skr., elektron. laser optogalvanic spectroscopy; local epitaxial overgrowth; logarithmic; logical
skr., kartogr. landing
skr., lotn. Longview, Washington USA
skr., nazw. Liaison Office with the United Nations Geneva
skr., prawo m. letter of guarantee (Ying)
skr., rozsz. Logarithm (Base 10); Log file (Vosoni)
skr., sport Low Organized Games
skr., technol. Log file; Laplacian of Gaussian
skr., wojsk. Logistics; logistics
log [lɔg] rzecz.
med. A mathematical term used to describe changes in viral load HIV RNA. For example, if the viral load is 20,000 copies/mL, then a 1-log increase equals a 10-fold 10 times increase, or 200,000 copies/mL. A 2-log increase equals a 100-fold increase, or 2,000,000 copies/mL. zob. też viral load, viral load test
opt. logarithm to the base 10
polim. logarithm
skr. logic
technol. common logarithm; To record details of information or events in an organized record-keeping system, usually sequenced in the order in which they occurred
wojsk. logistical (Киселев)
log. skr.
skr. logic
skr., nauka o z. common logarithm; logarithm
logs skr.
skr. logistics
LoG [lɔg] skr.
skr., nauka o z. Laplacian-of-a-Gaussian Operator
LOG [lɔg] skr.
skr. logging
skr., bizn. let own goods
skr., lotn. logarithmic
skr., przestrz. logistic; logistics module
skr., ropa / r. logarithm grid
: 13 do fraz, 1 tematyki