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Maps czas.
micr. Mapy (The Bing service that allows search and view of maps and satellite images)
MAP [mæp] czas.
transp., lotn. bod nevydareného priblíženia
map [mæp] czas.
micr. zobraziť na mape (To display an address or location on a map); mapovať (To associate data with a specified location in memory)
mapping The process of making a map of an area; especially the field work necessary for the production of a map ['mæpɪŋ] czas.
ochr.środ. mapovanie
map A representation, normally on a flat medium, that displays the physical and political features of a surface area of the earth, showing them in their respective forms, sizes and relationships according to some convention of representation [mæp] czas.
ochr.środ. mapa
 Angielski tezaurus
MAPS skr.
skr. Mathematical and Physical Sciences (курс ileen); Modeling and Problem Solving (ileen); multivariate analysis and predication of schedules
skr., elektron. manufacturing by phase shift project; meteorological and aeronautical presentation system; microprogrammable arithmetic processor system; mobile atmospheric profiling system; multicolor automatic projection system; multiple address processing system; multisatellite attitude program system
skr., meteorol. major assembly performance system; manufacturing and production system
skr., nazw. Marrakech Action Plan for Statistics
skr., sztuczn. Modular Automated Parking System
skr., wojsk. Modular Active Protection System (Киселев)
skr., wojsk., lotn. mapping air pollution from shuttle
MAP [mæp] czas.
gen., skr. microtubule-associated proteins (dimock)
med. microtubules associated proteins
meteorol. aeronautical map and charts
przem. maintenance analysis program; manufacturing activity protocol; market-aimed products
roln. Monoammonium Phosphate
skr. Austronesian; Management of an Accounting Practice; Media Access Project; Minimum Advertised Price; Minimum Advertised Pricing; Modified American Plan; Musicians Assistance Program; Linker Map (File Name Extension Alex Lilo); Machinist Apprentice Program (Alex Lilo); Macro Arithmetic Processor (Alex Lilo); Macro Assembly Program (Alex Lilo); Macroassembly Program (Vosoni); Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy (Alex Lilo); Madagascar Action Plan (Alex Lilo); Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate (Alex Lilo); Magnetic-Acoustic-Pressure (Alex Lilo); Magnetically Accelerated Projectile (Star Wars Alex Lilo); Main Audio Program (Alex Lilo); Mainframe Acquisition Project (Alex Lilo); Maintenance Activation Plan (Alex Lilo); Maintenance Activity Pirmasens (Alex Lilo); Maintenance Administration Panel; Maintenance Analysis Procedure (IBM); Maintenance Analysis Procedures (Alex Lilo); Maintenance and Administrative Position (Nortel Alex Lilo); Major Accounts Processing (Alex Lilo); Major Sync Point (ITU-T Alex Lilo); Making Action Plans (Alex Lilo); Management Achievement Plan (Alex Lilo); Management Application Protocol; Management Assistance Program (Alex Lilo); Management Process (Alex Lilo); Maneuverable Atmosphere Probe (s Alex Lilo); Manifold Absolute Pressure (Alex Lilo); Manpower Analysis Paper (Alex Lilo); Manufacturing Application Protocol (Alex Lilo); Manufacturing Assembly Procedure (Alex Lilo); Manufacturing Automated Protocol (Alex Lilo); Manufacturing Automation Profile (Alex Lilo); Mapei - Quick Step (Tour de France cycling sponsor Alex Lilo); Marathon Ashland Petroleum LLC (Alex Lilo); Marine Advisory Program (Alex Lilo); Marine Animal Productions (Alex Lilo); Maritime Airborne Patrol (Alex Lilo); Market Access Program (Alex Lilo); Market Analysis and Planning (Sprint - ISMF Alex Lilo); Market Analysis Portfolio (Alex Lilo); Market Area Planning (Alex Lilo); Marketing Association of Pakistan (Alex Lilo); Markovian Arrival Process (concept in probability theory Alex Lilo); Mass Air Pressure (sensor Alex Lilo); Master Action Plan (Alex Lilo); Master Amino Acid Pattern (Alex Lilo); Master Attack Plan; Master of Applied Politics (Alex Lilo); Materiel Acquisition Plan (Alex Lilo); Materiel Acquisition Process; Maximum A Posteriori estimate (Alex Lilo); Maximum A Posteriori Probability (Alex Lilo); Mazda Advancement Plan (Alex Lilo); Mean Airway Pressure (Alex Lilo); Mean Annual Precipitation (Alex Lilo); Measure of Academic Progress (Alex Lilo); Measurement Adoption Process (Alex Lilo); Media Accelerated Processor (Alex Lilo); Media Access Procedure (Alex Lilo); Medical Advantage Plan (AARP Alex Lilo); Medical Aid for Palestinians (Alex Lilo); Medical Assessment Process (Alex Lilo); Medical Assistance Plan (Alex Lilo); Medicare Advocacy Project (Alex Lilo); Medication Access Program (Georgia Alex Lilo); Melanesian Alliance Party (Papua New Guinea Alex Lilo); Membrane Associated Protein (Alex Lilo); Memory Address Print (Alex Lilo); Memory Algorithm Processor (Alex Lilo); Memory Alliance Program (Alex Lilo); Memory Allocation Map (Alex Lilo); Merchant Account Provider (Alex Lilo); Merit Award Program (education Alex Lilo); Message Access Protocol (Alex Lilo); Message Application Part (Sprint Alex Lilo); Message Application Programming (Alex Lilo); Messaging Application Protocol (Alex Lilo); Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics (Alex Lilo); Metropolitan Area Program (Alex Lilo); Mian Azmat Professionals (cricket Alex Lilo); Michigan Adventure Park (Muskegon, Michigan Alex Lilo); Michigan Advocacy Project (Alex Lilo); Michigan Airglow Payload (Alex Lilo); Microprocessor Applications Project (Alex Lilo); Microtubule-Associated Protein (Alex Lilo); Microwave Anisotropy Probe (NASA Alex Lilo); Microwave Assisted Process (for detection of pollutants Alex Lilo); Midrange Alliance Program (Alex Lilo); Military Advisory Panel (Alex Lilo); Military Aeronautical Pentathlon (Alex Lilo); Milstar Advanced Processor (Alex Lilo); Miniature Array Package (Alex Lilo); Minimum Acceptable Performance (Hekimian Alex Lilo); Minimum Audible Pressure; Minimum-Advertised Pricing (Alex Lilo); Mining Automation Program (MMS Canada Alex Lilo); Ministry for Antimonopoly Policy (Russian Federation Alex Lilo); Ministry of Aviation Industry (USSR); Minnesota AIDS Project (Alex Lilo); missed approach procedure (US DoD Alex Lilo); Mission Area Plan/Planning (Alex Lilo); Mission Assurance Plan (Alex Lilo); Mission Automation Plan (Alex Lilo); Mitigation Action Plans (Alex Lilo); Mitogen-Activated Protein (Alex Lilo); Mitsubishi Assistance Package (Alex Lilo); Mixed Activation Products (Alex Lilo); Mobile Access Platform (Alex Lilo); Mobile Access Protocol (Alex Lilo); Mobile Agp Packet (Alex Lilo); Mobile Anchor Point (Alex Lilo); Mobile Antenna Platform (Alex Lilo); Mobile Assistance Patrol (Alex Lilo); Mobility Anchor Point (Alex Lilo); Modern Aids to Planning (Alex Lilo); Modernization of Administrative Processes (Alex Lilo); Modified Atmosphere Packaging (Alex Lilo); Modular Architecture Platform (Alex Lilo); Modular Avionics Package (Alex Lilo); Moisture, Ash and Protein (Alex Lilo); Mold Array Package (Alex Lilo); Monitored Asynchronous Protocol (Alex Lilo); Monitoring Attitudes of the Public (ACLI Survey Alex Lilo); Monitoring the AIDS Pandemic (Pande'mie Mondiale de VIH/SIDA Alex Lilo); Monophasic Action Potential (cardiac electrophysiology Alex Lilo); Montana Advocacy Program (Alex Lilo); Montreal Action Plan (Alex Lilo); Morbidity and Performance Assessment (Alex Lilo); Morning After Pill (Alex Lilo); Mortgagor Assistance Program (mortgage industry CRM Alex Lilo); Mortier Adhe'sif Pla^tre (French: Skim Coat Plaster; a construction material Alex Lilo); Morton Area Players (Alex Lilo); Motivation for Academic Performance (Duke University Alex Lilo); Motorist Assistance Patrol (Alex Lilo); Motorist Assurance Program (Alex Lilo); Mouse Antibody Production (Alex Lilo); Mouse Atlas Project (Alex Lilo); Move Assistance Program (Alex Lilo); Movement And Position (tracking system Alex Lilo); MSN, Accessories, & PSP (Best Buy; Performance Service Plans Alex Lilo); Multi Access Portal (Alex Lilo); Multi Agent Planning (Alex Lilo); Multi-Agency Profiler (Alex Lilo); Multi-Agency Project (Alex Lilo); Multi-Country AIDS Program (World Bank Alex Lilo); Multicultural Achievers Program (Alex Lilo); Multidimensional Assignment Problem (Alex Lilo); Multimodal Application Platform (LiteScape Alex Lilo); Multiple Access Protocol (Alex Lilo); Multiple Aim Point System (Alex Lilo); Multiplexed Access Point (Alex Lilo); Multiplexer Access Point (Alex Lilo); Multiservice Access Platform (Alex Lilo); Municipal Airport (Alex Lilo); Mural Arts Program (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania public art project Alex Lilo); Mutualized Access Point (Alex Lilo); Mutually Agreed Positions (Alex Lilo); Mycobacterium Avium-subspecies Paratuberculosis (Alex Lilo); NATO Membership Action Plan (Alex Lilo); Monoammonium Phosphate agrochemistry (Alex Lilo); mesh access point (сетевые технологии, точка доступа к ячеистой сети) nikolkor); multiple antigenic peptide
skr., astronaut. Mediterranean Action Plan; Middle Atmosphere Program (SCOSTEP)
skr., biol. methyl acetoxyprogesterone
skr., biot. medroxyprogesterone
skr., bryt.ang. Ministry of Aircraft Production
skr., eduk. Missouri Assessment Program; Music, Art, Physical Education; Measures of Academic Progress (индивидуальное тестирование знаний с коррекцией уровня сложности заданий в процессе выполнения теста OLGA P.)
skr., eduk., nauk. Measures Of Academic Progress
skr., elektron. machine analyzer package; macro assembly program; main arithmetic processor; maintenance analysis program; manageability, availability and performance; management application process; manual access port; mapping of FET array performance; Markovian arrival process; mask analysis program; mathematical analysis project; matrix algorithmic processor; maximum a posteriori probability; measurement assurance program; medium access protocol; memory access protection; memory address port; memory allocation and protection; microelectronics application project; microprocessor analysis package; microprocessor assessment system; microprogrammed array processor; microtubule associated protein; missile assignment program; mobile antenna platform; mobile application protocol; modular acoustic processor; modular arithmetic processor; modular avionics packaging; multiassociative processor; multimedia access protocol; multimedia application platform; multiple access protocol; multiservice access platform; mix and preheat (pro-cess)
skr., finans. G-20 Mutual Assessment Process
skr., fizj. Managing Anxiety And Panic
skr., fizj., med. Mean Aortic Pressure
skr., giełd. Maine Public Service Company
skr., karat. Panel on Aeronautical Charts
skr., komun. maintenance alarm panel
skr., lotn. ground mapping; maintenance aid processor; management analysis program; manufacturing action request; master annunciator panel; military assistance Aid program; missed approach phases; missed approach procedure; missed approach program; missed approach segment; mission application program; mission audio panel; multiple aim point; aeronautical maps and charts; main apron; aeronautic maps and charts; aeronautical chart
skr., med. Maturation-activated Protein; Metabolic Assistance Program (ННатальЯ); Mapputta; M-associated protein; mean arterial pressure; Medical Aid Post; monophasic action potential; Mean Arterial Pressure; Medical Assistance Program International; Mercapturic Acid Pathway; Methyl Acceptor Protein; Microtubule-associated Protein; Mitogen-activated Protein; Monitoring The AIDS Pandemic. Pandémie Mondiale De VIH/SIDA; Medical Assistance Program; microtubule-associated proteins (inspirado); malignant atrophic papulosis (Игорь_2006); mean airway pressure (среднее давление в дыхательных путях Dimpassy); Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics (ННатальЯ); mitral annuloplasty (harser); Medical Assistance Plans
skr., mot. manifold absolute pressure (Krokodil Schnappi); manifold absolute pressure sensor; maniford absolute pressure (Krokodil Schnappi); Maintenance Awareness Program; intake manifold absolute pressure
skr., nanot. magnetic-abrasive polishing
skr., nazw. Millennium Africa Renaissance Programme
skr., obron. military aviation plan
skr., opt. measurement assurance program
skr., polim. manifold air pressure
skr., publ. Media Awareness Project
skr., rewizj. matters for the attention of partner (вопросы на рассмотрение партнера TUT)
skr., roln. mean aortic pressure; modified atmosphere packing
skr., roln., chem. monoammonium phosphate
skr., ropa / r. maximum allowable pressure
skr., rozsz. Map file (usually created by compilers Vosoni); Message Acceptance Pulse
skr., sach. Master Approvals Plan (Sakhalin Energy)
skr., sieć. mesh access point (точка доступа в ячеистой сети nikolkor)
skr., szkoc.ang. Membership Action Plan (NATO); Military Aid Program (USA); MILSTAR Advanced Processor (USA); Ministry of Aviation Technology (Russia); Modular Acoustic Processor; Multiple Aim Point (USAF); Mutual Assistance Programme
skr., techn. macro-assembly program; minimum audible sound pressure; International Development Association
skr., technol. Linker map file; Mobile Application Part; Manageability, Availability, Performance; Microprocessor Analysis Package
skr., transp. Missed Approach Point
skr., ubezp. market assistance plan
skr., wojsk. Membership Action Plan; Management Action Plan; Manufacturing Automation Protocol; Military Assistance Program; Mission Area Plan; missed approach point; mutual assistance program map
skr., wojsk., lotn. aeronautical maps and charts
techn. maintenance action plan; maintenance assessment package; maximum posteriori; memory allocation and protection; memory allocation and protection unit; message administration procedures; methodology assessment program; mitigation action plan; multiassociative processor; multiple-access processing
wojsk. management analysis program; management assessment program; manpower allocation procedure; mechanical ambush patrol; medical aid post; military aid program; military aptitude predictor; military audit project; military automatic pistol; missile and package tester; modular avionics packaging; multiple aim point; munitions acquisition plan; mutual aid program; mutual assistance pact; mutual assistance plan; mutual assistance program
map [mæp] skr.
skr. mapping
wojsk., logist. A graphic representation, usually on a plane surface, and at an established scale, of natural or artificial features on the surface of a part or the whole of the earth or other planetary body. The features are positioned relative to a coordinate reference system. (FRA)
.map czas.
rozsz. Linker Map (file name extension)
mAP [mæp] czas.
matem. mean average precision (Alex_Odeychuk)
MAPS skr.
komp. measurement of air pollution from satellites
przem. maintenance analysis procedure simulator
skr. Madrid Agreement And Protocol System; Maine Adoption Placement Services; Mapinfo Corporation; Memory Attention And Problem Solving; Missions And Placement Service; Multi Action Planning Strategy; Measurement of Air Pollution from Satellite; measurement of air pollution from space/abroad a space shuttle; Model American Playing Secretly
skr., broń. Munitions Assessment and Processing System
skr., eduk., nauk. Mature And Postgraduate Students; Maximizing Academic And Professional Success; Minimum Academic Preparation Standards
skr., giełd. Managed Assessment Portfolio System
skr., intern. Mail Abuse Prevention System
skr., karat. multiple automated printing system
skr., kontr. Maintenance Analysis Procedures Simulator
skr., makar. mapping air pollution from shuttle; measurement of air pollution from satellite experiment
skr., med. Minority Association Of Pre-medical Students; Multidisciplinary Association For Psychedelic Studies
skr., medyc. make-a-picture story
skr., mor., nauk. Measuring Air Pollution from Space; Mesoscale Analysis and Prediction System
skr., nauka o z. map analysis and processing system; measurement of air pollution from space; methodology for areawide planning studies; micro-adaptive picture sequencing; multiple aircraft positioning system; multispectral active passive scanner; multispectral active passive sensor
skr., przestrz. measurement of air pollution sensor; measurement of atmospheric pollution from satellite; measurement of atmospheric pollution from satellites
skr., publ. Modern American Poetry Site
skr., ropa / r. memory, acquisition, production system; minerals analysis and policy system
skr., sach. Movement and Personnel System (Shell Expro); movement and personnel system (shell Expro)
skr., sport, psych. making-a-picture-story test
skr., syst., technol. Mail Abuse Protection System
skr., szkoc.ang. Maritime Asset Planning System; Mina Anti-pessoal de Plastico (Anti-personnel mine (Portugal)); Mobile Aerial Port Squadron (USMAC); Modular Azimuth Positioning System; Multi-colour Automatic Projection System
skr., technol. Mechanized Application Processing System
skr., transp. Military Aviation Preservation Society
skr., wojsk. Mobility Analysis and Planning System; Mobilization Asset Planning System; Mission Area Planning System
techn. monitoring of air pollution by satellites
wojsk. management analysis and planning system; military academy preparatory school; military applications of photovoltaic system; mobile aerial port squadron; mobility analysis and planning system; modular acoustic processing system; modular acoustic processing system MC, mapping camera; modular azimuth position system; multiple aim point system; multiple-address processing system; multipurpose ASW production simulator; multitarget automatic plotting system
MAPs skr.
skr. microtubule-associated proteins (Игорь_2006)
: 35 do fraz, 11 tematyki
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