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 Angielski tezaurus
Fm skr.
skr. farm; fathom; manometer factor; Fermium; forged on mandrel
skr., geol. formation (MichaelBurov); earth formation (MichaelBurov); geologic formation (MichaelBurov); subsurface formation (MichaelBurov)
techn., skr. centurium
Fm. skr.
skr., techn. festmeter
FM skr.
ekol. fish migration
przem. factory-made; field-mounted; figure of merit; fixed mirrors; flowmeter; fuel mix
skr. flexible multiplexer; fan type marker; Federated States of Micronesia (Alex Lilo); Facial Myokymia (Alex Lilo); Facility Manager (Alex Lilo); Facility Map (FAA ARTCC mapping of areas to a facility Alex Lilo); Facility Module (Alex Lilo); Facing Matter (Alex Lilo); Factory Manual; Factory Marking (s); Factory Model (Alex Lilo); Factory Mutual (Alex Lilo); Factory Mutual Intrinsically safe and Nonincendive Approval; Failure Mode (Alex Lilo); Fairbanks-Morse (Alex Lilo); Family Medicine (Alex Lilo); Family Member (AUXMIS Alex Lilo); Family Room (Alex Lilo); Fan Marker (Alex Lilo); Farm To Market; Farm to Market (secondary road, Texas Alex Lilo); Fast Messages (Alex Lilo); Fat Man (atomic bomb Alex Lilo); Faulkner Mazda (Pennsylvania Alex Lilo); Fault Management (Alex Lilo); February, March (budget times in Indian states Alex Lilo); Fecal Matter (Alex Lilo); Fecit Monumentum (Latin: Built A Monument, epigraphy Alex Lilo); Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (Alex Lilo); Federal Minister; Federal Ministry; Female Male; Femto Meter; Femtometer (10 E^-15, one quadrillionth of a meter Alex Lilo); Ferdinand Marcos (Alex Lilo); Ferromagnetic (Alex Lilo); Festive Music; Fibromyalgia (Alex Lilo); Fibrosing Mediastinitis (Alex Lilo); fewest moves (Eugene37); Fibrous Monolith (Alex Lilo); FIDE Master (chess Alex Lilo); field manual; Field Marshall; File Maintenance (Alex Lilo); File Man; Filio Mater (Latin: Mother to Her Son, epigraphy Alex Lilo); Filio Morenti (Latin: To His/Her Dying Son, epigraphy Alex Lilo); Filius Matri (Latin: Son to His Mother, epigraphy Alex Lilo); Fill Mode; Film And Music; Filosofian Maisteri (Finnish: masters degree Alex Lilo); Finance Manager (Alex Lilo); Finance Memorandum (Alex Lilo); Financial Manager (Alex Lilo); Financial Minister (Alex Lilo); Fine Music; Finished Machined (Alex Lilo); fire main; Fire Marshall (Alex Lilo); Fire Mission (Alex Lilo); Fireman (Alex Lilo); Fiscal Management (Alex Lilo); Fish Meal (Alex Lilo); Fissile Material (Alex Lilo); Five Musicians; Fleetwood Mac (band Alex Lilo); Flight Model (Alex Lilo); Flight Module; Flogging Molly (band Alex Lilo); Floor Manager (Alex Lilo); Floor Mat; Flour Milling; Flow Manufacturing (Alex Lilo); Flow Meter (Alex Lilo); Flyball Master; Flying Monkeys (Alex Lilo); Folding Money; Follow Me (Alex Lilo); Font Metrics (Alex Lilo); Football Manager (computer game Alex Lilo); Force Main (civil/hydraulic engineering Alex Lilo); Force Majeure (French: Greater Force Alex Lilo); Force Management (Alex Lilo); Force Modernization (Alex Lilo); Force Module (Alex Lilo); Foreign Materiel; Foreign Minister; Forest Management (Alex Lilo); Formal Method (s Alex Lilo); Format (Alex Lilo); Fort Minor (band Alex Lilo); Fort Myers (Florida Alex Lilo); Forum Moderator (message boards Alex Lilo); Fox Mulder (X-Files character Alex Lilo); Frank Murphy; Franklin Mint (Alex Lilo); Freak Magnet; Freaking Magic (polite form Alex Lilo); Freddie Mercury (Queen lead singer Alex Lilo); Free Market (Alex Lilo); Free Movies; Free Music; Frequency Management (Alex Lilo); Frequency Matching; Frequency Modulate (Alex Lilo); Frequency Multiplier; Frequenz-Modulation; Fresh Music; Friable Material (Alex Lilo); Frijoles Mesa Site (Alex Lilo); From (Alex Lilo); Front Matter (Alex Lilo); Front Midship; Frontend Magic; Frontier Mountains (Everquest Alex Lilo); Fucking Magic; Fucking Mercury; Fujitsu Micro; Fukai Mori (Japanese song, Inuyasha closing theme Alex Lilo); Full Mana (Alex Lilo); Full Migration (Alex Lilo); Full Moon (Alex Lilo); Fun Monkey; Function Management; Functional Manager (Alex Lilo); Functional Module (Alex Lilo); Fundamental Mathematics; Funky Monkey (104.9 FM Seattle, WA radio station Alex Lilo); Fusion Module (Alex Lilo); manufacturer's responsibility (Vosoni); Frequency Modulation
skr., amat. frequency-modulation
skr., biol. flunixin meglumine
skr., bizn. foam; force majeure; Foreign Ministry; foreign money; facility management (Е. Тамарченко, 15.05.2018 Евгений Тамарченко)
skr., broń. titanium tetrachloride
skr., bud. filed memorandum (меморандум по стройплощадке inguz)
skr., chem. Formula Mass (iwona); flavin mononucleotide; force microscopy; field installation
skr., elektron. foreign matter (contamination); failure mechanism; fault masking; ferromagnetic Mavar; ferromagnetism; file manager; file mark; flash memory; flight melt; flush mounting; floating multiply; foreign material; forking model; format manager; forward monitoring; frame memory; frame mode; Frank-van der Merwe growth; freeze mode; frequency modulator; frequency monitor; frequency multiplexing; Fresnel mirror; Fujitsu Microelectronics, Inc.; full Maxwellian (distribution function); function microprocessor; fundamental mode; fucking manual
skr., finans. Fiscal Monitor
skr., fizj. Fine Motor
skr., górn. fine middlings; fulminate of mercury
skr., hand. Finnish mark
skr., hodowl. fusobacteria microorganism
skr., hutn. finishing mill
skr., inżyn. field meter; frequency modulation
skr., kartogr. Foreign Mercator
skr., komp. fast memory
skr., leśn. fuel moisture content
skr., lotn. flight management; flight mechanic; course from fixed waypoint with a manual termination; fan maker; ferrous metal; field manuals; field measurement; fire manual; flight monitor; function module; fan marker; fan marker beacon; track-to-manual termination; Shanghai Airlines
skr., makar. frequency-modulated
skr., med. Fat Mass (iwona); Fetal Movement; fibromuscular; foot-and-mouth disease; frequency modulated/modulation; maximal isometric force
skr., med., łac. fiat mistura
skr., medyc. muscular fatigue
skr., miner. fused magnesia (makhno)
skr., mot. fan motor program in PCM; friction modifier; fender mirror; finite element simulation; front mid-ship
skr., nato. Field manual
skr., nauka o z. ferromanganese nodule; figures of merit; finess modulus; foramen magnum; franc malien
skr., okręt. fore master
skr., polim. fair merchantable
skr., polit. Federated States of Micronesia
skr., przem. fineness modulus
skr., przestrz. feedback demodulator; federation management; Fei Meng
skr., rekl. fragrance marketing
skr., robot. front mount (igisheva)
skr., roln. farmyard manure
skr., ropa / r. ferrite-metal; field magnet; file management; filemark; fore mast; formation microscanner; frequency modulated; fully middling; fuzzy modeling; Micronesia
skr., rozsz. Database (FileMaker Pro)
skr., sach. Factory Mutual Engineering Corp.; field manager
skr., sport FIDE master; friggin murphy
skr., szkoc.ang. Fabricaciones Militares (Argentina); Field Marshal (British Army); Titanium tetrachloride (Chemical warfare smoke mixture)
skr., sztuczn. Forward Masking
skr., techn. frequency modulation or modulated
skr., technol. frequency method; full modulation; file memory
skr., ubezp. Factory Mutual System; factory mutual systems
skr., wojsk. fighting method; flight manual; Flight Mishap zob. też FRM; field manual; flare multiunit; force module; functional manager; force marshalling; frequency modulation guided missile patrol ship; guided missile patrol ship
skr., zaut. flexible manufacturing
techn. failure-only maintenance; fast magnet; feedback memory; ferrite metal; frequency meter; fibrous material; field memory; focusing mount; folding mirror; fracture mechanics; frames-per-minute; frequency multiplex; minister of foreign affairs
telew. frequency generator
wojsk. Comptroller; facilities maintenance; facilities management; field maintenance; field modification; field music; financial management; foreign military; foreign mission; fully modernized
fm skr.
biol. form
inżyn. fine measurement
olej. formation
opt. femtometer
skr. farmer; feedback mechanism; fathoms; firm
skr., chem. mass transfer factor
skr., nauka o z. fermi
techn. 1,829 m
fm. skr.
skr., ekon. from
skr., nauka o z. fathom
.fm skr.
rozsz. Micronesia