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art The creation of works of beauty or other special significance [ɑ:t] przym.
ochr.środ. umenie
 Angielski tezaurus
Art [ɑ:t] rzecz.
geol. Artinskian (MichaelBurov); Artinsckian Age (MichaelBurov); Artinskian time (MichaelBurov); Artinskian Stage (MichaelBurov)
skr. artillery
skr., nauka o z. artesian well
skr., włók. silk artificial silk
ART [ɑ:t] rzecz.
fizj., med. Artery; Articulation
skr. advanced research and technology; Assisted Reproduction Technology (Anglophile); Anti Retro viral Therapy; air-borne radiometer thermometer
skr., chem. absolute rate theory
skr., elektron. aberration reducing triode (electron lens); access register translation; Advanced Refractory Technologies Inc.; analog real-time (oscilloscope); antenna-receiver-transmitter; antireflection terminal; audio response terminal; automated reasoning tool; average run-time
skr., fizj. Adrenaline Response Training; assisted reproductive technologies
skr., giełd. A C Nielsen Corporation
skr., kolej. American Refrigerator Transit Company
skr., lab. Advanced Release Technology
skr., lotn. actuator remote terminal; aircraft radiated test; augmented reentry test; automatic radar tracking subsystem
skr., med. assisted reproductive technology (ADol); acoustic reflex threshold; WHO Adverse Reactions Terminology
skr., mor., nauk. Airborne Radiation Thermometer
skr., niem., mot. Abstandsregeltempomat
skr., onkol. Adaptive Radiation Therapy
skr., organ. Africa Resources Trust
skr., wojsk. Advanced Rotorcraft Technology; Army Regional Threats
art. rzecz.
polim. article
skr. artificial
skr., nauka o z. article
art [ɑ:t] skr.
skr., gen. antirepressor of translation
skr., ropa / r. artificial
Art. skr.
geol. Artinsckian (MichaelBurov)
skr. Artificer (British Army)
ART [ɑ:t] skr.
ekol., skr. airborne radiation thermometer
meteorol., skr. airdrome reference temperature
przem., skr. automatic remote test
skr., bizn. article; artificer; artist
skr., elektron. automatic remote tes-ting
skr., finans. alternative risk transfer
skr., fiz., nauk. Adaptive Resonance Theory
skr., komp. augmented reality technology (MichaelBurov)
skr., lotn. automatic range tracker; active repair time (Interex); aerodrome reference temperature; action result table; auto reserve thrust; automatic reserve thrust
skr., mat. admissible rank test
skr., med. antiretroviral therapy; Approaching Room Temperature (dead); activated recalcification time (MichaelBurov); Assuming Room Temperature (Interex); anti-retroviral treatment
skr., nauki o ż. avian rhinotracheitis (ННатальЯ)
skr., okul. resonant applanation tonometer (Schumacher)
skr., położn. ancillary reproductive technology (MichaelBurov)
skr., praw. Aggression Replacement Training
skr., progr., technol. Advanced Rendering Technology
skr., przestrz. algebraic reconstruction techniques; assessment of regional threats; automatic radar tracking system
skr., publ. Arab Radio And Television
skr., ropa / r. automatic remote testing; actual retention time; additional reference transmission; algebraic reconstruction technique; algebraic reconstruction tomography; applied remote technology; arc resistance tester; arithmetic reading test; asphalt residual treatment; asymptotic ray theory; average run time
skr., rozsz. Bitmap graphics (B&W, many - First Publisher - Xara Studio); Graphics (Another Ray Tracer - Vort)
skr., sach. Asset Response Team
skr., sieć. Adaptive Recognition Technology
skr., szkoc.ang. Advanced Rotorcraft Transmission; Airborne Radar Technician
skr., techn. anticipatory reactor trip
skr., technol. application registration table; Advanced Resolution Technology; automatic recognition technology; automated reasoning tools
skr., transp. Air Reserve Technician
skr., wojsk. adjustable ranging telescope; air reserve technician; Adjustable Ranging Telescope; Aerial Reconnaissance Team; advanced rotor technology; alarm reporting telephone; alert reaction time; arithmetic reasoning test; assessment and reconstitution team; automatic radar tracking; automatic range tracking; automatic recording telephone; average retrieval time
skr., znak. Advanced Recognition Technologies
skr., łączn. average revenue per transponder (ixtra)
techn., skr. aerosol release and transport; automatic radiating tester; automatic range tracker system; automatic reporting telephone; auxiliary range tracker; aviation radio technician
art. skr.
kartogr. artesian (well)
skr. artificer
: 7 do fraz, 3 tematyki
Ochrona środowiska1