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tar [tɑ:] rzecz.
leśn. catran n
roln. a gudrona
techn. gudron n
tar A viscous material composed of complex, high-molecular-weight, compounds derived from the distillation of petroleum or the destructive distillation of wood or coal rzecz.
ochr.środ. gudron n
 Angielski tezaurus
tar [tɑ:] rzecz.
nief. tarpaulin
skr. target
.tar skr.
skr. Tape Archive (Unix; archived file name extension)
tar. skr.
skr., ekon. tariff
TAR [tɑ:] rzecz.
lotnisk., lotn. Taranto, Italy
med. thrombocytopenia absent radii (Chita)
skr. Teens Against Racism; Town Aid Road; Translated Anime Ring; Tape ARchiver
skr., astronaut. transverse aeolic ridge (MichaelBurov)
skr., bryt.ang. Territorial Army Regulations; Territorial Army Reserve; transportable acoustic range
skr., data.prot. Terminal Access Report
skr., elektron. target address register; temporary alternate route; terminal address register; top antireflective layer; top anti-reflector; transmitter and receiver
skr., fant. The Apocalypse Riders
skr., finans. tax administration reform
skr., fizj., med. Thrombocytopenia Absent Radius
skr., gen. trans-activating responsive element; trans-activation region; trans-activation response
skr., geol. transverse aeolian ridge (MichaelBurov)
skr., giełd. Telefonica de Argentina S. A.
skr., inżyn. transfection assisted recombination (Игорь_2006)
skr., lotn. tariffs; test action requirement
skr., med. Thrombocytopenia With Absent Radii (syndrome); tissue-air ratio (harser); thrombocytopenia-absent radius; trans-acting response sequence
skr., metrol. test accuracy ratio (alexbard)
skr., mot. throttle angle rate; throttle area ratio
skr., obron. tracking acquisition radar
skr., progr., technol. Technical Assistance Request
skr., publ. The Amazing Race
skr., rozsz. Archive format (TAR Vosoni)
skr., sach. turnaround (shutdown of facility for repair/inspection or maintenance)
skr., sieć. Tape ARchive
skr., sieć., technol. Tape Archive to Restore
skr., szkoc.ang. Threat-Avoidance Receiver
skr., technol. TAR Compressed file archive
skr., transp. Trans-Asian Railway (MAMOHT)
skr., wojsk. Testability Analysis Report; Training and Administration of the Reserves; Training and Administration of the Reserve
skr., zakł. turnaround (MichaelBurov); T/A (MichaelBurov)
techn. terminal area radar; terminal area surveillance radar; threat avoidance receiver; true-amplitude recovery
ubezp. time all risks
wojsk. tactical air reconnaissance; tactical air request; tactical aircraft recovery; target acquisition radar; technical action request; technical analysis request; terrain avoidance radar; test action requirements; test agency report; test analysis report; total assets reporting; towed array radar; trajectory analysis room; turnaround ratio
Tar. skr.
skr. target
Tar [tɑ:] skr.
skr., ropa / r. tariff
.TAR rzecz.
technol. application/x-tar
TAR [tɑ:] skr.
skr. tactical air request (net); tension adjust resistance; thrust-augmented rocket
skr., chem. 4-2-thiazolylazo-resorcinol
skr., chir. Transversus Abdominis Release (I. Havkin)
skr., geofiz. True Amplitude Recovery (inn)
skr., komp. temporary accumulator
skr., lotn. Testability analisys report - анализ контролепригодности (geseb); thermal analysis report; type approval record
skr., mat. threshold autoregressive model (clck.ru dimock)
skr., nauka o z. threshold autoregressive mode
skr., przestrz. track address register
skr., rekl. target audience research (ВосьМой); target audience reach (ВосьМой)
skr., ropa / r. technical application reference; total adherent residue
skr., telekom. tape archival and retrieval
tar: 40 do fraz, 7 tematyki
Ochrona środowiska3