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chem. gaz
ekon. combustibil gazos
leśn. petrol
| or
micr. SAU
| gasoline
roln. benzină
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rzeczownik | skrót | do fraz
gas [gæs] rzecz.
chem. gaz n
ekon. combustibil gazos
leśn. petról n
gas A substance that continues to occupy in a continuous manner the whole of the space in which it is placed, however large or small this place is mad, the temperature remaining constant [gæs] rzecz.
ochr.środ. gaz n
 Angielski tezaurus
GAS [gæs] rzecz.
komp. get-away special
skr. Governmental Accounting Standards; Gang Anti Social; Garage Account Security; Gas Appliance System; General Air Staff; Generic Application Server; Genetic Algorithm Smoother; Genome Automation System; Geometric Analysis Of Sections; Get-Away Special (Space); Give A Shit; Go Ahead Single; Goal Attainment Scaling; God Anointing Students; God Answering Students; Gods Annointed Soldiers; Gods Awesome Servants; Golden Apple Snail; Granary and Audio Sorcery; Gray Area Systems; Great American Speakers Toastmasters; Guardian Activites Scientologist; Guitar Aquisition Syndrome
skr., astronaut. Get Away Special container
skr., biol. galactorrhea amenorrhea syndrome、 general adaptation syndrome
skr., biot. gene-assisted selection
skr., eduk. Great American Smokeout
skr., elektron. gateway access service; global asymptotic stability; graphical animation system; special autonomous study group
skr., fiz. Gas Anti-Solvent (Пахно Е.А.)
skr., fizj., med. Group A Streptococcal
skr., giełd. Nicor, Inc.
skr., immun. general adaptation syndrome
skr., intern. Got A Second
skr., lab. Group A Streptococcus
skr., lotn. General Aviation Centre (Interex); get away special; go around selected
skr., meteorol. Galactorrhea-amenorrhea Syndrome; General Adaptation Syndrome; general adaptation syndrome (MichaelBurov); Global Assessment Scale (doktortranslator); Hans Selye's general adaptation syndrome (MichaelBurov); Galactosyl Serum Albumin (Фьялар); Global Arthritis Score (Katherine Schepilova); Group A Streptococcus (tahana); generalized arteriosclerosis; Gastric Acid Secretion; Gastroenterology; Goal Attainment Scaling (iwona)
skr., mot. gas engine; gasoline gas
skr., muz. Gear Acquisition Syndrome (freakystley)
skr., sport Games And Sports
skr., szkoc.ang. General Air Situation (NATO)
skr., technol. Go And See; Generalized audit software
skr., wojsk. Genetic Algorithm; gunner's auxiliary sight; chemical bomb; gunner's auxiliary sight gas
techn. general aviation simulator
wojsk. general automotive support; Getaway Special; gun accessory system
gas [gæs] skr.
skr., bizn. gasoil
stan. gasoline
gaso [gæs] skr.
skr. gasoline
gas. skr.
skr., ekon. gasoline
GAs [gæs] skr.
skr., ropa / r. genetic algorithms
GAS [gæs] skr.
gen. growth arrest-specific (dimock); growth arrest-specific genes (dimock)
skr. Government Accounting Service (kee46)
skr., lotn. ground analysis station
skr., med. Goal Attainment Scale (Katrin Denev1)
skr., nauka o z. generalized application system
skr., przestrz. global address space
skr., ropa / r. gas analysis system; gauge acquisition system; geologic analysis system
skr., sport, psych. general anxiety scale
skr., syst. gas alarm system (MichaelBurov)
gas or
: 1 do fraz, 1 tematyki