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COC skr.
inwest. Chamber of Commerce
przem. certificate of compliance; control of organizational change
skr. Certificate of Compliance; Corrosion Of Conformity; Cost Of Capital; Cultureel Ontspannings Centrum; Call of Cthulhu; Cash On Confirmation; Centennial Outdoor Center; Check Out Chick; Chicas On Candy; CINCPAC Operation Center; chain of custody; common output cubicle (Butterfly812); Commission of Certification (kee46); Continental Oil Co.; condensable organic compounds (unece.org Dominator_Salvator)
skr., biot. cumulus oocyte complex
skr., bizn. cargo oil control
skr., broń. chain-of-custody
skr., chem. cholesteryl oleyl carbonate (Мирослав9999)
skr., chrom. cool on-column (injection eugeene1979)
skr., eduk., nauk. Code Of Conduct; College Of Computing
skr., elektron. central office code; character-oriented communications controller; chip on ceramic; chip on chip; coaxial optical coupler; coherent optical communications; coherent optical computer; coincidence counter; computer on a chip; consumer-oriented computer; cost of consumable
skr., elektron., mech. connector without breaking capacity
skr., elektron., nauk. Cost Of Consumables
skr., farm. Close-Open-Close (iwona)
skr., farma. clarity/opalescence and coloration (iwona)
skr., giełd. Conoco, Inc.
skr., hand. Certification of Compliance
skr., logist. carrier-owned container (Izuminka2008); Сarrier's Оwned Container (Ying); carrier's own container (Andrey Oleshka)
skr., lotn. care of crew (Interex); customer originated chances (Interex); cabin operation center; change of charge; climb on course; combat operation center; command and control; customer originated change (lepre)
skr., maryn. conditions of class (amorgen)
skr., med. Cathodal Opening Contraction; Coccygeal; Combination Oral Contraceptive; Commission On Cancer; Cumulus-oocyte Complex; Combined Oral Contraceptive; Cost of Care; Cocal
skr., mor. Certificate of Competency (Lesya1986)
skr., mot. conventional oxidation catalyst (Ford); catalyst oxygen converter; continuous oxidation catalyst; cyclo-olefin copolymer
skr., nauka o z. colloidal organic carbon; Continental Oil Company; curvilinear orthogonal coordinates
skr., nazw. Cocaine
skr., opt. coded optical character
skr., polim. cyclic olefin copolymer (циклический олефиновый сополимер buraks)
skr., praw. Control Of Corruption
skr., prawo m. completion of contract (исполнение обязательств по договору Ying)
skr., przem. critical oxalate concentration
skr., przem., olej. Cleveland open cup (test method)
skr., przestrz. computer on-chip
skr., relig. Circle Of Companions; Council Of Clerics
skr., roln. crop oil concentrate (kat_j)
skr., ropa / r. carbon oxygen continuous; cargo oil control (system); channel-overbank complex; chemical oxygen consumption; cholesteryl oleyl carbonate; Cleveland open-cup; corrected organic carbon; customer originated change; cycloolefin copolymer
skr., sach. continuously oil contaminated sewer system; certificate of conformity; continuously oil contaminated
skr., sport Champions Of Champions; Clerk Of The Course; Chinese Olympic Committee
skr., szkoc.ang. Combat Operation Centre; Combined Operation Centre; Command Operations Centre; Computer Operations Centre
skr., technol. Carrier of Carriers; Central Office Connection
skr., telekom. consultation calling
skr., ubezp. cost of care
skr., wojsk. Captain Of Communications; Chain Of Command; Chart Overlay Copier; Circle Of Confusion; Combat Operations Center; Corps Operations Center; Council of Colonels
skr., włók. certificate of completion; cross-over cut (pile sega_tarasov)
skr., zakł. coke-on-catalyst (MichaelBurov); coke on catalyst (MichaelBurov)
skr., znak. Certificate Of Competency
techn. character-oriented communications; command and control system
transp. carrier own container (Bursch)
wojsk. certificate of competency; certificate of conformance; certification of completion; change of command; change of contract; change order conference; Chief of Chaplains; code of conduct; code operations coordinator; combat operations center; combined operations command; command operations center; commissioned officer corps; complete operational capability; computer operators course; control officers' console; customer-originated change
CoC skr.
posp. Confirmation of Compliance (Баян)
sach. Certificates of Conformity (Sakhalin Energy)
skr. Code of Conduct (The Code of Conduct (CoC) is the legal guide for the behavior of military members who are captured by hostile forces. http://goo.gl/F6muO9 'More)
skr., astronaut. Code of Conduct for Outer Space Activities (semfromshire)
skr., wojsk. Code of Conduct
skr., zarz. center of competence (ВВладимир)
zarz. Center of Competence (ВВладимир)
CoC ( skr.
ekon. Cash on Cash (Cash on Cash (CoC) Return A cash-on-cash return is a rate of return often used in real estate transactions that calculates the cash income earned on the cash invested in a property. Put simply, cash-on-cash return measures the annual return the investor made on the property in relation to the amount of mortgage paid during the same year. investopedia.com Millie)