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do fraz
filatel. манколист (Leonid Dzhepko)
wish list
amer. список нужных вещей и дел (a list of desired things or occurrences Val_Ships)
nief. хотелки (Software user wish lists are a compilation of user suggestions for requested features. Many enterprise websites and software packages offer users the option to add a "wish" – a suggestion for improvement or change – and to vote on the importance of suggestions supplied by the publisher or author of the website or software, and they attempt to give a quick response to the suggestions. wikipedia.org 'More); хочушник (A.Rezvov)
przem. опросный лист
rekl. список желаний; список пожеланий
zaut. перечень требований; список требований
 Angielski tezaurus
Wish List
wojsk., skr. WL
wish-list: 7 do fraz, 4 tematyki
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