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TCE skr.akcenty
finans. Tangible Common Equity, реальный капитал в виде обыкновенных акций (mym0use); реальный капитал в виде обыкновенных акций (mym0use)
komp. translation control entries, записи управления трансляцией (в таблице страниц для трансляции адресов памяти K48)
komun. транскодер (Transcoder Equipment Alexander Demidov)
nazw. Отдел по чрезвычайным операциям и восстановлению
zakł. ТХЭ (Trichloroethylene igor.ostrikov)
 Angielski tezaurus
TCE skr.
skr. tangible common equity (Alexander Matytsin)
skr., elektron. Technical Committee of Experts; telephone company engineered; terminal connecting equipment; test connection equipment; test control equipment; top computer executive; transaction cost estimator; transit connection element; transmission control equipment; transparent computer environment
skr., finans. tangible common equity
skr., hodowl. total concept engineering
skr., immun. T-Cell Epitope (Natalya Rovina)
skr., mater. tetracarboxylic ester
skr., med. triple-class exposed (ННатальЯ)
skr., mot. timing chain end; trichloro ethylene
skr., nazw. Divisione operazioni d'emergenza e riabilitazione; Divisione operazioni di emergenza e riabilitazione; Emergency and Rehabilitation Division
skr., wojsk., lotn. thermal coefficients of expansion
tce rzecz.
olej. ton of coal equivalent; tons coal equivalent
TCES skr.
skr., nazw. Special Emergency Programmes Service; Emergency Operations Service - Asia, Near East, Europe and Special Emergencies
TCE skr.
chem. Tetrachloroethane
lotnisk., lotn. Tulcea, Romania
przem. tons of coal equivalent
skr. Tax Counseling of the Elderly; The Cleveland Experience; Total Customer Experience; Transaction Cost Economics; TOW crew evaluator; Trident Conferences and Exhibitions
skr., chem., nauk. Tri- Chloro- Ethylene
skr., eduk. Teacher Course Evaluations; Technology Culture And Education; Think College Early; Training and Competency Evaluation (Deel); Transfer Credit Evaluation (alumna1979)
skr., elektron., nauk. Temperature Coefficient of Expansion
skr., EU Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe (o_lia)
skr., fizj., med. The Cellular Energizer; Tissue Correcting Encephalograph
skr., hand. tariff commun extérieur
skr., komun. Terminal Control Element
skr., med. T-cell Enriched; Tetrachlorodiphenyl Ethane; Total Colon Examination; Trichloroethane; Trichloroethylene
skr., nauk. Thermal Co- Efficient
skr., nauka o z. thermal coefficient of expansion; tonnes of coal equivalent
skr., podatk. temporary customs entrance charge (Yuriy83); Tax Counseling for the Elderly (dimock)
skr., polim. tetracyanoethylene; trichloroethylene
skr., przestrz. transmission control element
skr., publ. The Chemical Engineer magazine
skr., ropa / r. total circumferential elongation; trichloroethanol
skr., szkoc.ang. Tetrachloroethylene
skr., wojsk. Test Cost Estimate; Trichlorethylene; Time Charter Equivalent (Interex)
techn. talker communications error; total composite error
wojsk. tank crew evaluator; telemetry checkout equipment
: 2 do fraz, 2 tematyki
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