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SH [ʃ] rzecz.akcenty
elektron. ближний (напр. о связи)
med. история бытовых и профессиональных условий жизни больного (MichaelBurov); социальный анамнез (MichaelBurov); сывороточный гепатит (MichaelBurov); гепатит B (MichaelBurov); парентеральный гепатит (MichaelBurov)
przem. перегреватель (пара; superheater Fuat)
sach. горизонтально поляризованные волны сдвига
sport гимнастический конь
szwajc. кантон Шаффхаузен ('More)
wojsk. Южное полушарие
sh [ʃ] rzecz.
posp. тсс!
hin. господин (also Sree, Shri, Shree, Siri or Seri) is the most commonly used honorific for men. Is akin to the English term "Mister". gemlyuda)
techn. гиперболический синус
sh! rzecz.
Gruzovik цыц!; цыть! (= цыц!); цытье! (= цыц!); цыцте! (= цыц!); ши!
posp. ши
nief. цыть; цытьё; цыц; цыцте; чш; чш-ш
SH [ʃ]
elektron. местный
hokej. short handed в меньшинстве (PKuntu)
mebl. высота сиденья (seat height warsheep)
med. инокуляционный гепатит (MichaelBurov)
mor. однокорпусный (single hull kotechek)
techn. паровой коллектор (steam header peksev)
teng. пароперегреватель (superheater Burkitov Azamat)
SH [ʃ] skr.
farma. Стандартный раствор высокой концентрации (Standard solution of high concentration askaaa)
 Angielski tezaurus
Sh [ʃ] rzecz.
chłodz. Sherwood number
skr. shoal; hydrocarbon saturation; shale; shaly; Sherwood criterion; Shore number; Strouhal criterion
skr., med. Shigella
ubezp. Shipper
Sh. rzecz.
polim. Res. shock resistant
skr. sheet; shuttle
SH [ʃ] rzecz.
meteorol. super heavy
przem. service hours; space heating; specific heat; steam heater; steam heating; storage heater
skr. Sangamo; Semester Hours; Serbo-croatian; Sherlock Holmes; Sonic Heroes; South Hill; Steve Harris; Steve Howe; Super Hero; scleroscope hardness; Scratch Hardness; Sedatives Hypnotics; SENATE HART Office Building; Senior Hunter; Sense High; Sensing Hands; Settlement House (Расчетная палата ММВБ (MICEX) Leonid Dzhepko); Sexy Hotness; shackle; sheeting; Ship Serviceman; Shire Hall; Shit Head; Short Horizontal; shower; shunt; Side Hill; Sierra Hall; Spartanburg Herald; Specified Hours; Spiritual Health; Sport Handling; Src Homolog; Standard Hebrew; Stanton Harcourt; Stein And Haff; Stephen Humble; Steve Harrison; Strength And Honor; Study Humans; Sub Heading; Super Hardy; Super Heat; Super Hot; Suppress Header; Surgical History; Switch Hitter; The Subspace Of H
skr., biol. steroid hormone
skr., eduk., nauk. Semester Hour; Study Hall
skr., elektron. scanned holography; second harmonic; section header; self-hiding (gate); session handler; shift; single heterojunction; smart hub; super heatproof; shield
skr., fiz.jądr. CAMAC serial highway
skr., fizj., med. Self help; Shoulder; Src Homology
skr., gen. src homologous domain
skr., intern. Same Here; Super Human
skr., inżyn. subharmonic; superheater
skr., kartogr. school house
skr., komun. segment header; Shunt mode; SHunting mode
skr., lotn. showers; shaft housing; socket head; spot height; specific humidity; standard hour; surface hardening; surface honing
skr., meteorol. Serum Hepatitis; Social History, Serum Hepatitis; Society For Hematopathology; Syndrome Of Hyporeninemic Hypoaldosteronism; hepatitis B (MichaelBurov); post-transfusion jaundice (MichaelBurov); posttransfusion jaundice (MichaelBurov); serum hepatitis (MichaelBurov); social history (MichaelBurov); syringe-transmitted hepatitis (MichaelBurov); tattoo jaundice (MichaelBurov); transfusion jaundice (MichaelBurov); transfusion (MichaelBurov); somatotrophic growth hormone
skr., mor., nauk. Southern Hemisphere
skr., mot. select-high control; side wall hysteresis
skr., okręt. ship's heading
skr., onkol. Social History
skr., opt. single heterostructure
skr., polim. in shear; super-heavy; surfacehardened
skr., polit. Saint Helena; St. Helena
skr., progr. source handshake (ssn)
skr., roln. sulfhydryl
skr., sach. hadrocarbons saturation; Shareholders (Sakhalin Energy); hydrocarbons saturation; shareholder; steam high pressure (30-50 bar)
skr., sieć. stackable hub
skr., szkoc.ang. Parachute retarded (Russia); Sary Shagan (Russia); Schuberth Helme GmbH (Germany); Support Helicopter
skr., sztuczn. Stationary Host
skr., szwajc. Schaffhausen (небольшой по площади немецкоязычный кантон на севере Швейцарии. Столица — город Шаффхаузен. 'More)
skr., techn. slack hour
skr., technol. SHell script; Single Head
skr., transp. Special Handling; Super Handling
skr., ubezp. Strengthened for heavy cargoes
techn. sample and hold; shower counter; simple-harmonic; soluble when hot; synthetic holography
wojsk. scout helicopter; sea helicopter; semiactive homing; squash head; station hospital
sh [ʃ] rzecz.
meteorol. showers (weather Val_Ships)
nief. shop
skr. share; sheep; sheet; shell; shilling; ship; shooting; short; shorthand; sick in hospital; social history
skr., bizn. shipment
skr., elektron. Shellfish
skr., nauka o z. hyperbolic sine
skr., ropa / r. sandy shale
skr., wierc. brown shale
sh. rzecz.
górn. shift
skr. shilling; ship; shipment; short
skr., bud. shingle
skr., finans. share
skr., techn. shingles
skr., typogr. sheep
int uk sh! rzecz.
posp. 𠮟 ateji
.SH rzecz.
technol. application/x-sh
SH [ʃ]
skr., baseb. sacrifice hits
skr., bizn. secondhand; Shore hardness; should
skr., eduk. Sarjana Hukum (Indonesian: Bachelor of Law Розмари)
skr., nauka o z. Service Hydrologist; shelf; shells; S-hydrograph; single geo-hazard; subharmonics; subtropical high
skr., nauka p. shorthorn
skr., ropa / r. saturated hydrocarbon; second hand; shear-horizontally polarized (waves); slim hole; space heater; sub harmonic; substructure height; surface-hardened; surface hardness
skr., sport shorthand; side horse; scrum half; show v.
skr., wojsk. Shoot House (Denis_Sakhno)
Sh [ʃ] skr.
skr. Strouhal number
skr., mult. shannon
skr., nauka o z. shiver
skr., ropa / r. schistose
Sh. skr.
skr. shell; shop; Shropshire
skr., ekon. shilling (s); schooner; shares
skr., nauka o z. shale; shoal
: 52 do fraz, 26 tematyki
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