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do fraz
PTt rzecz.akcenty
posp. технология изготовления зубных щеток (boucherie.com Svetozar)
PTTs rzecz.
telekom. администрации PTT (oleg.vigodsky)
 Angielski tezaurus
PTTS skr.
skr. Power Technology Training Center
skr., elektron. private telegraph and telephone service
PTT skr.
skr. Partial Thromboplastin Times; Permission To Talk To; Platform Transmitter Terminal; Post, Telegraph and Telephone Administration (Vosoni); Post, Telephone and Telegraph administration; Post, Telephone, and Telegraph; Postal Telegraph Telephone; Postal Telephone & Telegraph; Postal, Telephone and Telegraph Authority; Presentations That Talk; Public Telephone and Telegraph; Training Torpedo Boat
skr., broń. Push to talk
skr., elektron. push-to-talk; platform transmitter terminal; Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; party test; pay-to-tape; postal, telegraph and telephone authority; program test tape; public telephone and telegraph facility; postal, telegraph and telephone
skr., finanse s. Swiss postal and telephone service
skr., hemat. A-PPT (MichaelBurov); activated partial thromboplastin time (MichaelBurov); APPT (MichaelBurov); APTT (MichaelBurov)
skr., lotn. push to transmit; post, telephone & telecommunication
skr., med. partial thromboplastin time (test, test); Protein Truncation Test; Pulmonary Transit Time; prothrombin time (MichaelBurov); pulse transit time (сокр. dosh); partial thromboplastin time (активированное частичное тромбопластиновое время Dimpassy); partial thromboplastin time (MichaelBurov); posterior tibial transfer; pulse transmission time
skr., olej. Pressure Transient Test (Yeldar Azanbayev); pressure transient tool/test (Yeldar Azanbayev)
skr., opt. post, telephone and telegraph
skr., radio press-to-transmit (кнопка переключения прием-передача, тангента Oleg Sollogub); push-to-talk (кнопка переключения прием-передача, тангента Oleg Sollogub)
skr., sieć. Post, Telegraph and Telephone
skr., szkoc.ang. Post Telegraph & Telephone administration; Press / Push-To-Talk
skr., wojsk. Part Task Trainer; Postal Telephone and Telegraph; Posts, Telegraphs and Telephones; Press To Talk; postal telephone and telegraph; public telephone and telegraph
skr., wojsk., lotn. part task trainer
techn. pointing and tracking telescope
wojsk. part task trainer; primary technical training; program technical training
PTTS: 4 do fraz, 2 tematyki
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