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AIC rzecz.akcenty
posp. центр автоматического перехвата
progr. ПИК (ssn)
AIC skr.
Gruzovik, ekon. Арабская инвестиционная компания (Arab Investment Company); Американский институт кооперации АИК (American Institute of Cooperation)
Gruzovik, nauk. автоматический информационный центр (automatic information center)
lotn. циркуляр аэронавигационной информации (MichaelBurov)
mat. информационный критерий Акайке; информационный критерий Акаике (jagr6880)
praw. Австралийский институт криминологии; АИК
progr. прикладная интерпретированная конструкция (ssn)
przem. Асептическая промежуточная мойка (Aseptic intermediary cleaning eugeene1979)
ropa / r. Американский институт химиков (American Institute of Chemists)
skr. АПК (agro-industrial complex – агропромышленный комплекс Alex Lilo)
 Angielski tezaurus
AIC skr.
przem. advanced industrial country
roln. agro-industrial complex
skr. SRI Artificial Intelligence Center; Academic Instructor Course; Adjutant, Intelligence Corps; Administration of Industry and Commerce (Администрация промышленности и торговли в Китае lavrin60); Afloat Intelligence Center; Air Ideal Control; Air Intercept Control; AIX windows Interface Composer (AIX, IBM); AIXwindows Interface Composer (IBM); Alice In Chains; Allied Intelligence Committee; Almost In College; American Institute of Cooperation (Lena Nolte); American Investment Company; An Irresistible Combination; Anti India Crew; Army Industrial College; Army Interoperability Center; Art Institute of Chicago; Artificial Intelligence Consortium; Artificially Inseminated Children; Asset Investments Corporation of Delaware; Atlantic Command Intelligence Center; Automatic Intercept Center; Automatic Intersection Control; average incremental cost; Agricultural Institute of Canada; air interception centimetres (radar); Aluminium Industry Council; Associate of the Institute of Chemistry (of Great Britain)
skr., broń. acceptable intake for chronic exposure; ampere interrupting capacity
skr., elektron. Akaike information criterion; abnormal input cause; aircraft identification control; aircraft intercommunication; air interceptor centimeters; Akaike's information criterion; American Internet Confraternity; analog input chip; analog input circuit; analog integrated circuit; analog interface circuit; auxiliary information channel
skr., europ. Australian Industry Capability (Yuliana Nurumbetova)
skr., inżyn. ampere interruption capacity
skr., karat. aerodynamic influence coefficient
skr., komp. Advanced Interactivity Consortium (ВВладимир)
skr., lotn. Aeronautical Information Circular (MichaelBurov); Access Illustration Cards (Interex); airborne information correlation; aeronautical information circular; Airborne Inhabited Cargo (Typical conditions in cargo compartments which can be occupied by an aircrew. Environment extremes of pressure, temperature, shock and vibration are minimal. Examples include long mission aircraft such as the C130, C5, B52 and C141. This category also applies to inhabited areas in lower performance smaller aircraft such as the T38. geseb); analog interface card; air inlet controller; Airbus Integrated Company; aircraft industry conference; artificial intelligence center; attack information centre; automatic iris control
skr., mat. Akaike informative criterion (jagr6880)
skr., med. Aminoimidazole Carboxamide; Association Des Infirmieres Canadiennes; Association Des Infirmiers En Cardiologie; aminoimidazolecarboxamide; arteria ileocolica
skr., mot. air conditioner; air injection control; automatic idle control; automatic intermittent control
skr., nauka o z. African Investment Center; Arab Investment Company
skr., nauki o ż. Akaike's Information Criterion (ННатальЯ)
skr., nazw. Action Instrument Company
skr., obron. auxiliary intelligence collector
skr., poczt. Account Identifier Code (charge numbers); Akaike Information Criteria (character recognition in Siemens OCR Adaptive Read system)
skr., polim. American Institute of Chemists; automatic information center
skr., progr. application interpreted construct (ssn); asynchronous index cleanup (ssn)
skr., przestrz. aluminium/iron/cerium
skr., ropa / r. analyzer indicating controller
skr., sach. amperes of interrupting capacity
skr., stat. Akaike information criterion (Игорь_2006)
skr., szkoc.ang. Advanced Instrument Course; Air Intercept Communications; Automated Intelligence Correlation
skr., techn. Airman First Class
skr., technol. automatic interrupt center
skr., telekom. agent identity code (vlad-and-slav)
skr., ubezp. Associate in Claims
skr., wojsk. Aircraft Intercept Controller; Atlantic Intelligence Command; air intercept controller; assign individual compressed dial
skr., wojsk., lotn. Accident Investigation Committee
techn. action information centre; adaptive interference canceller; air interceptor, centimeter; attack information center
wojsk. activity identification code; advanced intelligence center; air information center; air information codification; aircraft in commission; ammunition identification code; Army intelligence center
Aic skr.
skr., nauka o z. Aichi
AIC: 1 do fraz, 1 tematyki