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do fraz
объект промышленной собственностиakcenty
posp. item of industrial property (ABelonogov); industrial property (• intangible property rights (as ownership of a trademark or patent) connected with agriculture, commerce, and industry. WTNI Alexander Demidov)
ekon. industry property unit (dimock)
patent. subject of industrial property
объекты промышленной собственности
posp. industrial property (Industrial property takes a range of forms, these include patents for inventions, industrial designs (aesthetic creations related to the appearance of industrial products), trademarks, service marks, layout-designs of integrated circuits, commercial names and designations, geographical indications and protection against unfair competition. In some cases, aspects of an intellectual creation, although present, are less clearly defined. What counts then is that the object of industrial property consists of signs conveying information, in particular to consumers, regarding products and services offered on the market. Protection is directed against unauthorized use of such signs that could mislead consumers, and against misleading practices in general. WK Alexander Demidov)
praw. industrial properties (никаких "objects", "items", тем более "units" Serge Ragachewski)
объект промышленной собственности
: 5 do fraz, 3 tematyki