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не укладывающийся в головеakcenty
Игорь Миг undreamt-of; mouth-dropping; stunning
не укладываться в голове
posp. defy imagination (what they saw defied their imagination pothead2104); belie belief (m_rakova); not compute (something does not compute ► used to say that something does not having any meaning, or does not seem possible or correct: "It can't be done, it doesn't compute. "The situation was bothering me because something about it just didn't compute. CBED Alexander Demidov); one can't wrap one's head around (I can't wrap my head around the fact that I got fired. – У меня в голове не укладывается, что меня могли уволить. Рина Грант); one can't get one's head around (не во всех контекстах; вариант требует изменения конструкции: It's hard to get your head round figures this big. • I just can't get my head around it! m_rakova); one can't get one's head round (something m_rakova); this is hard to take in (shafff); be beyond one's comprehension (shafff); be beyond (somebody – у кого-либо: How students play soccer in the coastal heat is beyond me. shafff); be hard to take in (shafff); be beyond one (How they can live in such chaos is beyond me. 4uzhoj); be beyond someone's comprehension (shafff); be beyond (someone shafff); beggar belief (dreamjam); boggle the mind (ART Vancouver); get one's head round something (m_rakova); be more than the mind can comprehend
Игорь Миг be mind-boggling
idiom. be beyond belief (igisheva); pass all belief (igisheva); pass belief (igisheva)
makar. beggar the imagination; beggar description
nief. be mind-boggled (I'm just completely mind-boggled that people can text as they drive. – У меня не укладывается в голове, как можно одновременно текстовать и управлять автомобилем. ART Vancouver); blow one's mind (It blows my mind! IrynaS); boggle one's mind (ART Vancouver)
не укладывается в голове
nief. it boggles the mind (For the French to lecture us – it just boggles the mind! ART Vancouver); it blows my mind! (IrynaS); one can't wrap their head around something (ad_notam)
"не укладываться в голове"
posp. go over someone's head (Andy)
не укладывается в голове!
Игорь Миг I just can't get my head around it!
не укладывающийся в голове: 15 do fraz, 4 tematyki