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do fraz
исходя из необходимостиakcenty
posp. keeping in mind the necessity of (ABelonogov); as a matter of necessity (In many, if not most, examples, the phrase can be read–in a rough way–as "because it is necessary." 4uzhoj); in the interests of (исходя из необходимости сохранения = in the interests of preserving. In the interests of preserving the historic roofscape that positively contributes to the special character of the conservation area. Class C Any other alteration to the. | The Labor Party, in the interests of preserving the unity government, decided today that it would abstain from voting on ... Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Миг with an eye toward
amer. to meet the needs (Maggie); out of necessity (Maggie)
исходить из необходимости
posp. proceed from the need (to do something grafleonov)
исходя из необходимости
: 6 do fraz, 4 tematyki