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do fraz
вести расследованиеakcenty
posp. hold an inquiry; prosecute an inquiry; sit upon; lead an investigation (The criminal investigation was led by the FBI and consisted of two major phases. 4uzhoj); work the case (You know, there's a version of this, where you come work with me in Violent Crimes. You work cases the way you like, the right away, without... Well, without being a show pony Taras)
Игорь Миг head the investigation
dypl. make an investigation
makar. pursue an inquiry; carry out investigation
praw. make investigation
rząd. carry out an investigation (The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is now carrying out its own investigation. ART Vancouver)
slang. conduct investigation
ведущееся расследование
posp. ongoing investigation (Taras)
ведётся расследование
praw. investigation is underway (iVictorr)
вести расследование
: 13 do fraz, 5 tematyki