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Gruzovik shoot
posp. discharge (из ружья, из лука); gun; go bang (о ружье); let off (из ружья); go off (об орудии); fire off; take a shot; take a blizzard at (во что-либо); fog; outshoot; go pop; shoot off (Andrey Truhachev); launch (a rocket); loose; get a shot off (NGGM); go off (об оружии); get a crack at; get a shot; shoot
astronaut. launch; fire
austral., slang plunk
bud. go off
idiom. shoot the moon (SirReal)
makar. fire a shot; fire a shell; go off (об оружии); loose off
nief. pop a cap (Mr.Gone); hole; pop; become successful (в значении "иметь успех" Анна Ф); be a bomb (Анна Ф); make a hit (Анна Ф); be a success (Анна Ф); make it (grafleonov); succeed (grafleonov); make it to the top (grafleonov); score a big win (grafleonov); get there (grafleonov); pay off (unexpectedly SirReal); prevail (SirReal); come through (SirReal); go viral (Mikhail11)
praw. expel a projectile (by the action of an explosive or other propellant; Gun Control Act of 1968 Windystone)
przen. take off (Alex_Odeychuk)
slang throw lead
ufol. zap (и успешно поразить цель: In November 5, 1975 Travis Walton was working with a crew of other young men thinning timber near Turkey Springs, Arizona on a contract from the U.S. Forest Service. As they left the woods that evening the group saw what they described as a UFO. As they watched Walton inexplicably leapt from the moving vehicle and moved toward the craft. According to his cohorts the craft "zapped" Walton with a beam of light as he approached it. Panicking, the driver of the vehicle took off, leaving Walton behind. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
wojsk. fire a round (Taras)
"выстрелить" czas.
okręt. gun (выпустить самолёт с помощью катапульты)
поспешно выстрелить czas.
posp. bolt
: 105 do fraz, 16 tematyki
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