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do fraz
atomic [ə'tɔmɪk] rzecz.
micr. atómico (Pertaining to a threading or multiprocessing operation that is performed in a single, uninterruptable step. Operations that are atomic do not require a threading synchronization device such as a critical section, mutex, or semaphore)
micr., Braz. atômica (Pertaining to a threading or multiprocessing operation that is performed in a single, uninterruptable step. Operations that are atomic do not require a threading synchronization device such as a critical section, mutex, or semaphore)
nauki prz. atómico
 Angielski tezaurus
atomic [ə'tɔmɪk] skr.
skr., biol. atm
skr., polim. at
wojsk., skr. atom
atomic% rzecz.
inżyn. at.% (MichaelBurov)
: 8 do fraz, 5 tematyki
Badania i rozwój2
Nauki przyrodnicze1
Ochrona środowiska1