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 Angielski tezaurus
bud. sections; single suspension; stainless steel (нержавеющая сталь или изделие из нее raptor-22)
polim. simple shear
przem. solid solution
skr. spindle speed
skr., bank. short sight
skr., bud. single strength
skr., ekon. standard specification
skr., przem. superheated steam
skr., wierc. stainless steel; sandstone
stat. statistically significant (chuu_totoro)
moda. spring/summer (обозначение сезона, коллекции одежды oVoD)
skr. superseded (A Hun)
skr., bank. special settlement
skr., elektron. samples per second; solid/solid reaction; start/stop
skr., fizj., med. Signs and Symptoms
skr., med. Signs & Symptoms
skr., mot. sun screen
skr., nauka o z. steam ship
skr., przestrz. space shuttle; subsystem
skr., ropa / r. same size
skr., sach. seam to seam (standard measurement on pressure vessels to go with T/T); seam-to-seam
skr., ubezp. Steamship
skr., wierc. short string (relating to the shortest of two or more strings of tubing in a well with a multiple completion)
skr., wojsk. steamship
wojsk. statement of service
kolej. slow speed
skr., bizn. short stick
skr., ekon. steamship
skr., hand. Singapore standard; standard size; store ship
skr., handel. signed and sealed
skr., mater. smoke screen
skr., nauka o z. salton sea; seaward slope; semi-simplicial; south syncline; Spectrographic Society
skr., włók. sleeve slope
przem. safe and stable; safeguards and security; sludges and slurries
skr., altern. Signs & symptoms (ВВладимир)
skr., lit. sword and sorcery (Поджанр фэнтези Technical)
skr., lotn. situation and status
skr., opiek., med. Signs & symptoms
skr., policj. search-and-surveillance (наружка - сленг Val_Ships)
skr., ropa / r. spigot and socket (pipe)
skr., syst. significant and substantial (Health and Safety, about citations denkos)
skr., wojsk. Supply and Service
skr., wojsk., lotn. shipping and storage
S & S
skr. shipping and storage; supply and service
wojsk. Stars & Stripes (газета)
skr., elektron. steric strokes per second
skr., inżyn. spigot and socket joint
skr., inżyn. steady state
skr., mater. curve stress-strain curve
techn. sferic strokes per second
S. S.
skr. stainless steel (LyuFi)
skr., med. interchain disulfide bridge
skr., szkoc.ang. Sichelschmidt & Schlasse (Germany)
S + S
skr., telegr. speech + simplex equipment
skr., telekom. step-by-step