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 Angielski tezaurus
DP skr.
apoll., skr. docking module pilot
fizj., skr. Deep pulse; Distal pulses; Dorsalis pedis pulse
kolej., skr. dining and parlor car
med. drug product (лекарственный препарат Овсень)
meteorol., skr. double drift
przem., skr. data path; data pretreatment; decision process; decommissioning plan; demonstration period; demonstration program; designated pollutant; draft program
skr. Decimal Places; Digital Photography; Down Payment; Double Play; dashpot (relay); David Prior; Development Partner (CAREC, ADB MAMOHT); difference of potential (Vosoni); dual-purpose; dampproofing; deck piercing; deflection plate; demand meter, printing; double-pole; drill plate; dripproof; dry battery; two-pole; distribution point; dynamic programming; Design Proposal; digital plotter; diproprionate; Discussion Paper; drip proof; data handling
skr., afryk. Democratic Party
skr., altern. development partnership (ВВладимир)
skr., baseb. double plays
skr., bizn. damp proofing; dampproof; days purpose; deferred payment; delivery on payment; delivery port; department; departure port; depreciation percentage; design and production; displacement; dissolving pulp; distributing place; documents against payment; double paper; duty performed
skr., broń. Defense programs; Design phase
skr., bud. double pitched
skr., chem. deproteinized
skr., chem., nauk. Differential Pressure
skr., chemia f. declustering potential (в масс-спектроскопии Elmitera)
skr., elektr. double pole
skr., elektron. detection point; data phone; data protection; data pulse; deadlock prevention; deadlock problem; debugging program; default parameter; deferred processing; derivative product; design planner; desktop publishing; deterministic prediction; dialing plan; dialing prefix; dielectric plate; differential photodetector; diffused planar; digital processing; dispatching priority; disperser pressure; distortion product; donor plasma; dot pitch; double-polysilicon cell
skr., farm. Drug product (TorroRosso)
skr., finans. Statistical provisioning
skr., fizj. Deep Pulse; Dorsalis Pedis pulse
skr., fizj., med. Diastolic Pressure
skr., giełd. Depository Participant
skr., hand. delivery against payment; Deutsche Patent; direct pass
skr., hodowl. dressing percentage (iwona); degree of polymerisation; diphosphate; dipropionate
skr., intern. Digital Performer
skr., inżyn. distance protection; dash pol
skr., kartogr. Domestic Photomap
skr., kasp. drilling pad (Yeldar Azanbayev)
skr., kino. director of photography
skr., komun. declaration; digit; Danger Point
skr., kontr. design proof
skr., lotn. departure point; depressurisation (Intense); differential protection (Interex); power distribution panel (Ivanov M.); dew-point temperature; dewpoint temperature; direction des poudres; demand planner; departure; diametric pitch; difference potential; difference protection; digital processor; direct pay; display partition; double ply; drawing package; drawing picture sheet; drum processor; ducted propellers; dummy part; instrument departure procedure; First Choice Airways
skr., makar. depth; distributed processing; differential phase; double-play
skr., med. Dermatophagoides Pteronyssimus; Direct Pressure; double product (harser); diastolic blood pressure; Diploma in Pathology; disability pension; dysrhythmic phonation; distal pancreatectomy; distopulpal; doctor practitioner; D-penicillamine; direction preponderance (ННатальЯ); Doctor of Pharmacy; Doctor of Podiatry
skr., med., łac. dementia praecox
skr., metal. Dual Phase (Steel uar)
skr., mot. data processing; dash post; diametrical pitch
skr., nauka o z. dash pot (relay); decoupled propagation models; deep percolation; density porosity; deterministic programming; developments in petrology; diaphragm; difference in pressure; digital photogrammetry; diplopores; disaster preparedness; discrete process; dispersed phases; dissolved phosphorus; duty-paid; pegmatite dike
skr., nauka p. drift potential
skr., ogrod. diagnostic protocol
skr., okręt. diameter of propeller
skr., opak. degree of polimerization
skr., papier. derivatives product
skr., polim. average degree of polymerization; difference of potentials; Draft Project; degree of polymerization; differential pressure; dimeric polymer; double-base propellant; durable press
skr., praw. displaced person (http://www.bbc.com/russian/features-40237623 Oleksandr Spirin)
skr., praw., st. mnd. Designated Person (Designated person (DP) – a person subject to financial sanctions. 'More)
skr., progr. decentralized peripheral (децентрализованное периферийное устройство ssn); decentralized peripherals (ssn)
skr., przestrz. data package; decision point; development program; digital prototype; direct playback
skr., roln. digestible protein
skr., ropa / r. datum plane; drill pipe (andrushin); ship dynamic-positioning ship; dacite porphyry; damp-proof (ing); dead period; dead point; deck paint; deepwater rigs; delivery pressure; depth of penetration; derrick post; diagenetic potential; diagnostic package; diagnostic program; diamond drilling; difference in pressure; difference on pad; diffusion pressure; diffusion pump; digital prospecting; direct port; direct pumping; disk to printer; double pipe; double precision; doubling plate; downside probability; drain pipe; drilled, ing plug; drip-proof; drop battery; dry point; dual point; dual purpose; dual double porosity; dustproof; duty paid; dynamic ally positioning
skr., rozsz. Calendar file (Daily Planner); Data file (DataPhile); Primary data file (THOR database)
skr., rysun. drop
skr., rzad. department of prisons (igisheva)
skr., sach. depentanized (fractionated to remove pentane and lighter components); dynamic positioning
skr., sieć. data processing; dual processor; data processor
skr., sieć., technol. Data Packets
skr., sport designated player
skr., szkoc.ang. Diphosgene (Chemical warfare choking agent); Disruptive Pattern
skr., techn. Decomposition Point (kumold); drum pressure; designated person
skr., technol. Display Picture; Dual Processor; draft proposal; document publishing
skr., telef. Dial Pulse
skr., telekom. detection point (ssn); decadic pulsing; dot pattern
skr., tworz. Degree Of Polymerization
skr., ubezp. Duty point
skr., wierc. drill pipe (MichaelBurov); drillpipe (MichaelBurov); drill-pipe (MichaelBurov); design pressure (MichaelBurov)
skr., wojsk. Data Processing; Development Plan; diphosgene (Киселев); Air Force component plans officer (staff); decisive point; Directorate for Policy Support (DIA); deck-piercing; Deputy for Personnel; Director of Personnel; Director of Programs
skr., wojsk., lotn. by direction of the President
skr., włók. finishing durable press finishing
skr., zaut. design parameters; distributed peripheral (lcorcunov); diametral pitch
skr., zwalcz. dustable powder
techn. double-pole switch
techn., skr. data plotting; data printer; data processing technician; diagnostic procedure; diastatic power; digit presentation; diode plate; dipole; display processor; drain pump; drive pipe; dual-processor; dynamic power
wojsk. depot maintenance
wojsk., skr. data packet; debussing point; deep penetration; defense procurement; definition phase; delayed procurement; delivery point; description pattern; detained pay; detection probability; detention of pay; detrucking point; development phase; development plan; development proposal; development prototype; directing point; disabled person; dispatch point; dispersal point; displaced person; display package; display panel; disposal procedure; distributing point; double-purpose gun; drill pay; drill practice; drill purpose; driving power; drop point; dry powder; duty position
dp skr.
polim. dew point
progr. density independent pixels (абстрактные пиксели, не зависящие от плотности экрана bojana)
Dp skr.
przem. average particle size
przem., skr. average particle size above the dense bed zone
dp skr.
skr. average diameter of bed material; mean particle diameter
Dp skr.
skr. depot; dump
skr., lotn. parasite drag
skr., med. duplication of a gene or chromosomal segment
dp skr.
skr., mot. dual pump
skr., nauka o z. pipe diameter
Dp skr.
skr., ropa / r. diopside
skr., techn. duplication
dp skr.
skr., wierc. deep
skr., wojsk. parachute drift
Dp. skr.
skr., bibliot. department; depot
dP skr.
skr. difference of pressure
dp. skr.
ubezp. Direct port