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do fraz
standard deviation
posp. Standardabweichung f
astron. mittlere quadratische Abweichung; mittlere Abweichung
chem. normale Abweichung
chemia an. Standardabweichung f (of a random variable or probability distribution)
fiz. mittlerer Fehler
med. Mittelwertabweichung f; SD f
micr. Standardabweichung f (A statistical measure of the amount by which a set of values differs from the arithmetical mean, equal to the square root of the mean of the differences' squares)
opt. durchschnittliche Abweichung (the square root of the expected value of the squares of the differences of a number of observations subtracted from their mean); Normalabweichung f; Standardabweichung f (the square root of the expected value of the squares of the differences of a number of observations subtracted from their mean); Standardfehler m (s. a. Standardabweichung); Streuung f
stat., mat. quadratisches Streuungsmaß
techn. Normen-Abweichung f; Standartabweichung f
Standard deviation
farma. Standardabweichung f
 Angielski tezaurus
standard deviation
skr., biol. sd; s dev
skr., elektron. σ
standard deviation of the
: 6 do fraz, 3 tematyki
Chemia analityczna3