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Ost skr.
posp. O (en)
 Angielski tezaurus
Ost skr.
skr. ostracod
skr., bizn. outstanding
skr., ropa / r. Ostracoda
OST skr.
olej. industry standard
skr. Office of Sciences and Technology; Office of Secretary of Transport (US); Official Soundtrack (Errandir); Original Soundtrack (Errandir)
skr., eduk. On Site Training
skr., elektron. office station terminal; opens and shorts testing; operating system test; operator station task; output select table; output stream count
skr., fizj., med. Osmotic Shock Therapy
skr., giełd. Austria Fund, Inc.
skr., inżyn. on-site tests
skr., kino. on screen text (Samura88)
skr., kontr. order-and-shipping time
skr., kryptogr. operational support team
skr., lotn. optical section termination; optical soliton transmission; objective start time; operation support team
skr., med. opioid replacement therapy (MichaelBurov); opioid replacement treatment (MichaelBurov); opioid substitution therapy (MichaelBurov); opioid substitution treatment (MichaelBurov); ORT (MichaelBurov)
skr., medyc. orthostatic tolerability
skr., mor., nauk. Ocean Surface Temperature; Office of Science and Technology
skr., muz. Official Sound Track
skr., nauka o z. ocean science and technology
skr., nazw. Information Technology Division
skr., obron. operational start time
skr., onkol. osteosarcoma (остеосаркома Dimpassy)
skr., przestrz. objectives, strategy, tactics; operational suitability testing; orbit stay time; OTV servicing technology
skr., publ. Original Sound Track; Original Soundtrack The
skr., ropa / r. Industrial Standard (Yeldar Azanbayev); offshore storage and treatment; oil-soluble tracer; on site test; oxidated oil sludge test
skr., sport Orcish Stone Thrower
skr., szkoc.ang. Office of Strategic Trade (USA); Outer Space Treaty
skr., transp. Office of the Secretary of Transportation; Old Spanish Trail
skr., wojsk. Observed Sectional Trial; Operation Stress Test
skr., wojsk., lotn. objective-strategy-tactics
techn. offshore storage and treating vessel; on-site test; operational service tests; optical sensing trigger; optical star tracker; orbital solar telescope; orbiter support trolley; orbiting submillimeter telescope; order and shipping time
wojsk. objectives, strategy, and tactics; officer selection team; one-station training; operational service test; operational suitability test; operational system test; order shipping time; ordnance special training; ordnance suitability test; oversea tour
ost skr.
skr. oldest